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User:enidde (8957)
Name:enid longbottom
B A S I C   I N F O;
Name: Enid Gunilla Longbottom
Birthdate: 19 April 1925
Age: 17
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 7th
Bloodline: Halfblood
Occupation: Student

M O R E   I N F O;
Full bio
PB: Emilie Dequenne

D I S C L A I M E R;
Icons are from their respective makers and I snagged this cute userinfo style from [info]kitten_patronus. I am neither Enid Longbottom or Emilie Dequenne. This is all for the pure entertainment, but if I find you stole my information, I will not be pleased.
Interests:3: longbottom reunions, my friends, olive
People27:a_longbottom, abraxasmalfoy, augusta, broadmoorer, broadmoorest, callidora, caspouch, cassiopeia, cedre, charised, dorea, drury, enidde, glynnis, grubbly, harfang, horcruxy, lucretiab, myrtus, nastynols, nedwins, notted, ongbottom, pippa, queenbitch, septimus, theboywhokilled
Communities2:parsellemouthe, pmoo
Friend of:23: a_longbottom, augusta, broadmoorest, callidora, caspouch, cassiopeia, cedre, charised, dorea, enidde, glynnis, grubbly, harfang, horcruxy, lucretiab, myrtus, nastynols, notted, ongbottom, pippa, queenbitch, septimus, theboywhokilled
Account type:Early Adopter

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