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Eleanor Taylor ([info]english) wrote,
@ 2008-01-28 11:34:00

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The twenty-eighth of May, nineteen hundred and ninety-seven.
I'm afraid all I know of Casablanca is there was a conference there in 1943, where Churchill strongarmed the Froench leaders into joining him and the other one. However, Bollinger R.D. certain things transcend national boundaries and they will fit.

With so many birthdays coming soon one must consider presents. I do not want to be a neigh-sayer. Get it? Because of Evie's step-brother's affinity for horses and because I will be getting Daphne a horse. but I advise against flowers. The Chelsea Flower Show must be still fresh on everyone's mind. Nonetheless, Debrett's calls flowers the 'ultimate perishable present' and says that they are safe to give because there are 'no-strings' to them. That is the reason for their popularity on Valentine's Day. It then goes on to say how boys fail to realise what flowers may mean to a girl. It seems rather silly, this miscommunication. And not simply because I received more liquor-filled chocolate than flowers on Vale

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2008-01-29 02:12 am UTC (link)

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2008-01-29 03:32 am UTC (link)
Of commitment.

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