player information!
NAME: Immortal Aussie
CONTACT: Email- AIM- moonsdreaming
FAVORITE BOOK: Morgan's Run/Obernewtyn Chronicles (if the last one will bloody come out it will be fantastic!)
character information!
CHARACTER'S NAME: Elspeth Gordie
CHARACTER'S BOOK(VERSE): Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody
POINT IN CANON: Right after the end of
The Farseekers- the second book in the series
AFFILIATION: Rogue- Elspeth is inquisitive and curious by nature, ready to take anything on, and determined to solve any mystery that is shown to her. She just won't sit still and let things occur nore is she one for upholding the law but believes in fighting for what you believe in.
elspethgordieDESIRED PB:
Camilla BelleCHARACTER'S APPEARENCE: Standing at just under six foot she has long black hair that is often braided down her back. Rather thin she also has a pale complexion and bright green eyes which stand out against her skin. Her clothes are rather simple- usually a plain tunic over leggings or some other sort of pans in lain colours such as brow.
CHARACTER'S PERSONALITY: Inquisitive. That is what she is first and foremost. Whenever something appears that she doesn't understand she will involve herself completely with it. She loves mysteries and finding out things as well as fighting for what she believes in no matter the cost. Always ready to take a risk she often is called headstrong but is also known for being loyal to those she calls friends and will do anything to make sure that they stay safe.
CHARACTER'S BACKGROUND: Elspeth Gordie was orphaned at a young age along with her brother Jes when their parents were burned for Sedition. Growing up on her family farm she learnt very early on that she was what the Council was called a Misfit. In other words she had mental powers that others didn't and therefore was deemed dangerous knowing that she could be killed or sent to a council farm to work to death she learnt to hide these powers from a very early age.
Except after a few events at the orphanage she was found out.
After being sent to the mythical Obernewtyn she discovered that she wasn't alone with her mental powers and that there was actually all different sorts that existed though no one knew the extent of her powers. They scared even her.
After discovering that all was not as it seemed at Obernewtyn she joined a group of Misfits, including Rushton Seraphim the true owner of Obernewtyn, in overthrowing the current administration of Obernewtyn. They are hoping to find a Misfit with a rare ability to help them in their search for forbidden 'Beforetime' (before the Great White that killed nearly everyone off- I think it was an atomic bomb or something similar to that, we do not know for sure). Despite finding out where these machines were when they captured her, she refused to tell them. Going as far as to use her 'killing power' to kill two of them though one of them managed to escape.
After the uprising, Elspeth and her group of friends developed Obernewtyn as a safe haven for Talented Misfits and anyone else that would like to join them there. Under Rushton's leadership they worked to bring the talented misfits that they could find to Obernewtyn as well as Talented Animals, where they were treated equal to the humans of Obernewtyn.
Taking advantage of their remote location and a rumour of a Firestorm which destroys nearly everything in its path, they have been able to remain undetected until the Soldier Gauds come to investigate.
For a few months previous to that Elspeth and a few others had been in the lowlands investigating a before time Library and the presences of a strong misfit. On that trip they rescued Dragon from the library, who was the mind they had detected, as well as meeting a group of Rebels who were planning on over throwing the Council among other people. After being caught in a Firestorm Daffyd, and the Misfits head back to Obernewtyn believing her to be dead. Instead she is taken to a mythical bird's nest and healed while discovering her destiny to destroy the Before Time Machines that she knows the local of from when she first arrived at Obernewtyn.
Three months later she arrived back at Obernewtyn to discover that the Soldier Guards had arrived and a firestorm had ripped through the place destroying the majority of it, except it turned out it was one of Dragon's illusions to make the Soldier Guards think that it wasn't worth the time investigating. After letting people know she was still alive she used her power of mind manipulation to make the Soldier Guards think that she has the Plague. This sends them running back to the Lowlands leaving Obernewtyn in peace
more information at Elspeth paced her room at Obernewtyn thinking about what she had just recently found out. She was
Innel- the one who was supposed to become some sort of leader of the animals, to help them to safety or something. She didn’t really get it, all she knew was that all animals thought she was this Innel. It confused the hell out of her. She had first heard the word from Maruman, the cat she had met while she was living at the Kinraide Orphanage. Elspeth had at first thought that it was just a nickname for her… something that he had come up with but from the looks of it, it wasn’t like that and it confused her greatly.
Not only did she have to do this she also had the quest to destroy the machines that the Beforetimer’s used to nearly destroyed the world. It was getting too much for her, she just wanted to be normal and fit in with everyone else- well the other misfits as she would never fit in with the common people of the land. She had friends but even with them she felt that she sometimes scared them, it wasn’t a pleasant feeling.
Elspeth was so involved with her thoughts that she didn’t feel the mind or hear the footsteps of the person who was approaching her room. When she heard the knock on the door she jumped. Reaching out with her mind she discovered it was Rushton standing there. Smiling she went and opened the door for him to come in. “Rushton,” she said smiling at him once he was in her room.
STORYLINES: The rebellion/rogueness for her. If someone picks up Rushton- ROMANCE!!!!! Otherwise I'm not sure what I'll do with her