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Elphias Doge : Fulltime Fighter ([info]elphias) wrote,
@ 2009-02-26 22:15:00

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Current mood:anxious

26th February 1980
[Emmeline & Dedalus]
I--- I spent the night with Phoebe after the ball.

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2009-02-27 04:37 pm UTC (link)
Are we supposed to assume that you shagged?

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2009-02-28 12:32 am UTC (link)

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2009-02-28 12:41 am UTC (link)
It's what we're assuming, right?

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2009-02-28 12:45 am UTC (link)
It's either that or they just...slept.

But, I mean, people don't usually...announce that.


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2009-02-28 12:49 am UTC (link)
I wonder how it went? I'm betting on lots of awkward stuttering on Elphias' part. Jerky movements, too.

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2009-02-28 12:52 am UTC (link)
First of all...if you say that about a guy, and he finds out about it, he's most likely going to develop some sort of complex.

Second of all...how much thought have you put into this, exactly?

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2009-02-28 12:58 am UTC (link)
Elphias? With a complex? Never.

Not much, it's sort of easy to imagine. Not the sex part, just the awkwardness leading up to it.

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2009-02-28 01:10 am UTC (link)
Just another reason to ease up.

...you do make a good point.

But then again, I don't think anyone is more awkward than me, and when me and Eliza...I mean, <>that</i> wasn't...awkward...when it...happened.

Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed, but I am not good at talking about this particular subject.

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2009-02-28 01:34 am UTC (link)
I'm sure if he can battle death eaters he'll be able to hand a few jokes about sex. Or at least, he should be.

Glad to hear that it wasn't. And I definitely have noticed, which is why one of my few joys left in life is to make you two squirm abotu it.

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2009-02-28 01:39 am UTC (link)
Hey, hey...those are two completely different things.

You're a sadist.

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2009-02-28 02:11 am UTC (link)
Yes, well not all the time, actually-

How's that whole wanting to get married business coming along? As it seems like we've hijacked Elphias' journal or just shocked him into an unresponsive stupor.

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2009-02-28 02:56 am UTC (link)

...nice change of subject. I don't know, it's...coming along. We haven't talked about it since, well, we talked about it. We've both been too busy.

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2009-02-28 03:00 am UTC (link)
Welllllllllll get on with it. I need another reason to wear a bridesmaid dress.

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2009-02-28 03:04 am UTC (link)
Oh, so you want me to get married for your benefit.

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2009-02-28 03:10 am UTC (link)
Of course! What other reason would I have? Your eternal happiness? Bah.

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2009-02-28 03:23 am UTC (link)
I knew it.

Is there any color scheme you'd like for your dress? I'll run it past Eliza, see what she thinks. Our goal is to make you happy, Em.

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2009-02-28 03:51 am UTC (link)
She's really good with colors, isn't she? I trust her taste.

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