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Elite Foolz

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Drake : [10 Apr 2013|11:59pm]
Fuck this. I'm out.
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Rhys : [10 Apr 2013|11:58pm]
Would you judge me if I told you I'm two episodes behind on my all time favorite show?
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Dimitri : [10 Apr 2013|11:57pm]
I've had this same headache for three months.
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Rich : [10 Apr 2013|11:56pm]
Team America with Kevin. Nicky's at the store late tonight. Should be home by 1.
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Darin : [10 Apr 2013|11:55pm]
Mark your calenders... I'm getting hitched August 24, 2013.
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Darin : [15 Jun 2012|01:03am]
Fine. I give up. I love her, okay?!?
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Rich : [22 May 2012|05:21pm]
I don't care if it is sometimes an unpopular opinion but I love to just sit outside when it's not really raining and just listen to the birds. They are insane before and after the rain. I love it.
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Rhys : [22 May 2012|05:21pm]
So basically I am IN LOVE with my new job.
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Drake : [22 May 2012|05:19pm]
Looks like I will be home for most of June. Maybe I can talk to Annie and get the stick out of her ass. That was rude, but true. I'm just in a shitty mood because she yelled at me for a good twenty minutes on the phone. Thankfully the call only lasted twenty-one.
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Dimitri : [22 May 2012|05:18pm]
You'd think with the ridiculous prices of newspapers, you'd find better editing. I'm three pages in and I've found several typos and grammatical issues.
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Darin : [22 May 2012|05:16pm]
I didn't want to go through this again. Not after the last three. I'm done falling in love. Why doesn't my heart get that whenever Nancy is around?
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Dimitri : [11 Apr 2012|09:54pm]
Proclaimers' I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) has been stuck in my head for a good 14 hours by now. Make it stop. Please.
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Rhys : [11 Apr 2012|09:52pm]
1970's Doctor Who marathon with Blake and Mr. Pickles. It's gonna be one hell of a night.
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Darin : [11 Apr 2012|12:47am]
So it's at the point of unofficially moved in. I missed this more than I thought I would. I guess it was something I took for granted, sharing a space I mean.

And fuck, I really like Nancy. It's not just that she's a good fuck, she's smart and fun to be around, and I feel like we connect or something.
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Rhys : [25 Mar 2012|11:32pm]
I am in the mood to watch an incredibly stupid movie. Any suggestions? Blake and Mr. Pickles have to approve the suggestion as well. :D
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Darin : [25 Mar 2012|11:31pm]
One cigarette. Just one.
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Drake : [24 Mar 2012|02:39am]
My iPhone never auto corrects innocent words like cupcake or butter fly into cock sucking street whores, so I don't see how other people's do.
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Rich : [24 Mar 2012|02:17am]
My life, is an awesome life. It's got its good, it's got its bad, but overall it's awesome.
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Rhys : [21 Mar 2012|01:15pm]
So there are these things called thoughts and I have many inside my head right now and while some are really really pleasing to have others are completely bringing my whole self image down. This is what happens when one sits at home day after day because they don't have a job anymore.
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Dimitri : [21 Mar 2012|12:37pm]
I have a shitty headache. I am not happy.
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