Eligere Academy: Mod Journal
28 October 2009 @ 10:49 am
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Eligere Academy: Mod Journal
28 October 2009 @ 10:27 am
Any holds placed will be good for two weeks and may be extended up to 3 times. If you allow your hold to expire only to re-hold it, it will be counted as an extension. We're all adults here and we will not be reminding you when your holds are expiring. It is up to you to keep track. Comment with your requested holds below. One hold per comment and if you have any modifications or extension requests, please comment with those under your original hold.

Hold requests should include the name of the PB desired as well as the year you wish to hold them for. Please keep in mind that your PB must be age appropriate and that we will reserve the right to reject any PB who we feel is not appropriate for the game or the character you are applying for. We don't have a list of banned PBs, but we won't be accepting any "scene kids" as that look does conflict the the premise of our game. Taken PBs can be viewed on the student roster

Holds are first come, first served and there will be no challenges. Additionally, when you place a hold, please give us your name and if commenting anonymously, an email address where we may reach you. Comments will be screened to keep your email address private.

current holds )
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