Orla Quirke's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Orla Quirke

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[14 Apr 2008|12:25am]
As much as I like being back, I'm already sick for home. Not that I don't love it here, don't get me wrong, I think I just prefer the quiet of being at home as opposed to corridors crowded with people everywhere. But at least we did get back safely and I brought my new cat who I have still yet to name! Currently, she's just being called "kitty" because I can't think of anything more original or suitable. She would have been called snowball if she had been white, but I didn't luck out in that department. Maybe there are naming books in the Library for animals - or is that just bordering on ridiculousness and desperation?

Classes start tomorrow and I'm going to miss sleeping in for several days in a row. This is un-Ravenclaw of me, but can't classes begin on Tuesday instead of a Monday?
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