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Akana Bahur

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[23 Dec 2010|03:53am]
OOC Info:
Player Name: EJ
Player Email: heraldofzeus@gmail.com
Other player contact: [AIM] paythepiper79
Player age: 27

IC Info:

Character Name: Akana bint Haji bint Hor al-Bahur; Akana Bahur in the western cultures
Character Journal Username: Egyptian_eyes
Age and physical description: 28. Akana is a beautiful woman, with dark, tanned skin and long, deep brown hair. Her eyes are unusually, and a feature many remember as one is a golden born while the other is a light blue. At 5 feet eight inches, she is tall and lanky thanks to her thin frame. Her face is usually drawn in a standoffish sort of glare. She’s always in heels and skirts, feeling it improper to dress otherwise.

Former Deity Name and Pantheon: Horus, Egyptian

Personality: Akana has a bit of a chip on her shoulder. The lines between what she knows herself to be, and who she is blurred a long time ago. In essence, Horus and the girl that Akana once was have merged into a hybrid, creating a strange sort of personality. For the most part she is cold and aloof, going through life as if she were a king forcefully removed from the throne, and intent on gaining it back. She has a natural leadership quality, a commanding presence that demands respect instead of asking for it. She’s also one to take what she wants, and rarely gives much back in return.

Akana isn’t a lover, but a fighter in her own way. She’s also a loner, a trait she acquired from the deity within. For her, she is Horus and always has been. She has memories of lives lived in other times, memories of soaring through the sky and so on. For her it is hard to accept the idea that she and Horus could be two separate beings, despite her occasional doubt as to what she is. She has one goal, and that is to turn herself to ‘her’ true form and godhood. She is ambitious and ruthless enough to not think twice about doing whatever it takes.

She very rarely shows affection to anyone, finding emotions are difficult to express. This is another trait that she shares wholly with Horus, as he too was a stoic figure in his life. At times, however, Horus ‘truly’ takes control of her form, and everything that is a part of ‘Akana’ fades away completely. From Horus is a somber sort of understanding that accompanies his actions. Everything is thought out carefully, and each action he takes is precise. He is firm in his choices, never doubts in himself, and finds little room for compassion. Horus wants to be free of his human prison, but more so he wishes to regain the glory that the Egyptian gods once enjoyed- and he’ll do anything to get it.

History: Akana Bahur was born in Egypt on May 12th, 1982. Her family was a part of a long line that sought to keep the spirit of Horus within their blood by ‘passing his spirit down’. Before Akana’s conception, her Grandfather, Hor Bahur, was the bearing of Horus’ spirit. Like she would have, his left eye was a pale blue, while his right was a gold brown. In their family this was considered a great, blessed sign. The barer of the ‘Horus Spirit’ was accorded a special, honored place among the family. However, when the time came, and the barer before to grow old and ill, the youngest couple would be directed to conceive a child. At the moment of climax, the former bearer of Horus’ spirit would take their own life. Thus, they ensured that the spirit was always kept close.

And so it was when Akana was conceived. When she was born, the family was at first confused, then surprised to find the newest barer of Horus’ soul was a female for the first time in the family’s line. This shock, however, did little more than to make the family extremely protective of her as a child. For much of her childhood, she believed herself to be some sort of princess, having been granted certain rights and privileges that most girls were not. She was provided with the best tutors and private instructors up until she was old enough to attend school. Once old enough, she was educated in the finest boarding schools. Her every whim was attended to with little consequence.

When she was home from school, her days were spent being educated on who she was, and her role within the family. She was instructed on how to find a proper husband, how to present herself diplomatically, and how to conduct herself both in private and public. She was taught the same lessons as every Horus before her, sometimes referred to as ‘Your Highness’ by her own staff. She was instructed in lessons of ruling, and falconry as a recreational sport. Indeed, by the time Akana Bahur was wed to Fikri bin Hatim bin Al-Baqi, the son of a oil tycoon from Saudi Arabia, she was merely awaiting for the sleeping deity to awaken.

She did not have to wait long, as within a year of her marriage, Akana was not only in the mist of labor pains but also with the emergence of the sleeping giant. Between the two incidents, Akana laid upon her bed exhausted and ill. Her family began to worry that they would be forced to find someone able to conceive and bare a healthy child as Akana seemed close to death. As luck would have it, though, she survived the ordeal.

With the awakening of Horus, Akana’s focus shifted from merely passing his spirit from one body to the next, to finding a way to break the cycle. To achieve this goal, Akana worked her way into her husband’s politics, and eventually had him named ambassador to the US. Together they traveled to the US, taking up residence in the District of Columbia where Akana plays far more politics than her husband.

Strengths: Calculating, careful planning, diplomatic immunity, speaks three languages fluently (Arabic, English, and French), wealthy (both through her own family and marriage), high levels of education, and ruthlessness, a natural affinity with falcons and hawks.

Weaknesses: Cold hearted, detached, bitterness toward her situation, her husband and child (to a degree she does care about them), limitations of the political and financial power, Seth.

General Deity History: The version of Horus I generally play blends Horus the Elder and Horus the younger. Technically they could be considered two different deities, but at some point in history they were merged and a lot of it becomes pretty murky to pick apart. So it is just easier to merge them with the rest of Egypt. XD However I do not play him has having merged with Ra. Therefore, Ra is still the king of the Gods, and Horus is the King of Egypt. Or the ‘Living King’ as some would define him as. However, he is still a respected member within the pantheon and still ‘king’ in his own right. He just has to listen to Ra as much as anyone else.

The story of Horus the Elder is basically this- (generally he could be the Son of Ra/Re, Atum, or Nut and Geb. I stick to the Nut and Geb version for easy and family relations. I’m just like that). He was originally meant to be the youngest son born, but because Seth was impatient, Horus was born before him. (I might point out that this ‘version’ is rarely used. The typical story for this is that only Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys were born to Nut and Geb. Anyway, continuing on.) As such, Horus was second, behind Osiris. However, he was a solar deity, and unlike the other four, upon his birth he took to the sky. As Horus the Elder he was wed to the goddess Hathor, whom he always would consider his wife.

However, as Horus the younger, Horus was born to Isis and Osiris (after his death through the use of magic), and was heir to all of Egypt. Set became angry at this, had tried to destroy Horus, but failed. Eventually Horus grew up, and there were many fights with Seth over the throne. Once they turned to Ra and the other gods, and while the other gods sided with Horus- Ra sided with Seth because he felt Horus was too young to rule. This of course only caused more fighting, and the trails were delayed. Endlessly.

Horus and Seth even took to the battlefield with their disagreement, where Set gouged out Horus’ left eye, leaving it pale and mostly blind. For his efforts, he took one of Set’s testicles in the same fight, however, leaving the god unable to reproduce. These types of fights continued on for many, many years. At times there would be peace, and Set and Horus would work together to defeat an enemy, but these ‘peace’s rarely lasted. Eventually Set came upon the idea that if he were to seduce Horus and ‘impregnate’ the younger god with his own semen, then he could claim dominance over Horus and finally take the kingdom. However, Isis learned of this plan, and came up with her own.

Isis instructed Horus to allow Set to seduce him, and when the god climaxed, to collect the Set’s seed in his hand. Then Horus would ejaculate on a Set’s favorite lettuce so that the other god would ingest his seed instead. After that Horus cut off the hand that caught the seed.

When Set then took the pair before Ra, and claimed that he had impregnated Horus, he was made a fool of when Horus’ seed was pulled from himself instead. Thus, by his own claim, Horus officially won the throne of Egypt. (And that concludes the short version of the story.)

Because of the sheer number of versions, and translations, it is difficult to sum up the stories more than that. However, this is the basic gist of it. I can provide many links if you want more info later.

Played By: Adriana Lima

Other Pertinent Info As Needed: She owns two falcons that she keeps with her in D.C.

She did go to college, in the US. She attended Cambridge University with a duel major in Political Science, History.

Role-playing Sample: Finding what you wanted was always a bit like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack; at least when what you wanted was only the vaguest of ideas in your mind. However, Akana mused, finding what you didn’t want happened in spades.

Her eyes danced along the crowd, following the movements of someone as they moved about the room on their rounds. A diplomat, no one important to most, but Akana knew her own far better than anyone else. And while this one was not the worst to find, Ra forbid that Seti would be allowed in such a function, she could already feel the tension building in her shoulders. Meeting others of her kind rarely went well, and it never moved her closer to her own goals.

And yet she still followed this one’s movements as he circled around another group to greet a couple that stood near her. For a moment he looked up, his dark eyes narrowing for a moment. But then his attentions were back upon the couple before, asking a thousand mundane questions as Akana’s fingers tapped thoughtfully against the glass in her hand. Who was he, why was he here, why were so many of them here, for that matter? This new face was hardly the first, and she highly doubted he would be the last either.

So what did this mean?

“Hello,” a voice said suddenly, pulling her from her thoughts as she blinked up at the infamous diplomat. “May I join you?”

For a moment she frowned, providing no answer. There was always a risk to letting new faces come around…

But tonight she could make an exception she supposed.

How'd You Find Us?: You told me :|
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