Wow. Well, you definitely stood out.
You know, when people are having trust issues is when most people would attempt to swoop in to get closer. I think I can understand why you're stepping back. I think that's very...can't find the word...admirable? Heh.
I'll be honest, I suck at getting closer to people a lot of the time. I do think a lot of you yet I always hesitate when, say, it comes to IMing you because I don't want to look like an idiot lol.
I never realized my posts affected you, or anyone, to such a degree. Yeah, I'm a very emotional person. I don't know why but I love writing about it. But I'm glad that it means something, that I know I'm not writing for nothing lmao.
Thank you so much. Hopefully we can become closer in 2009 and grow out of our shyness XD. ♥
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