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C.C. § I overcome space and time. ([info]eevee) wrote,
@ 2008-01-06 03:56:00

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Current mood: ecstatic
Current music:Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly by H.I.M.

!! 01 !!

001 ↔ No drama whatsoever. This should be pretty self-explanatory, though if you have something to take up with me, please IM me at Rafflesia Sky. I am online mostly all of the time, besides when I'm in school. I keep the lines of communication open so that you can either chat with me or confront me about something.
002 ↔ What I say in my journal is meant to be kept private. I don't want my entries to circulate with other people if it concerns them. I use this as a place to vent.
003 ↔ I absolutely loathe people who try to be something they are not. If you're one of them, then keep it out of my journal. Seriously, it isn't funny.
004 ↔ I rarely, if ever, have a friends cut. So, don't worry, I'm not going to do a mass exodus.
005 ↔ So you all know... I AM BISEXUAL. If bisexuality or homosexuality (I DO have gay friends) squicks you, then go back now. I don't tolerate homophobia by any means.
006 ↔ I use swear words quite a bit such as shit or fuck. Don't like, don't read, as I always say.
007 ↔ I am an agnostic so any discussion about religion and me, especially when you're trying to convert me to your religion is instantly terminated. Take that up with someone who isn't agnostic, please.
008 ↔ I'm generally nice! I may have my emo "wah wah i hate the world and wanna die" moments, but mostly, I'm all "life is goooooooood".
009 ↔ I am a very opinionated girl. What this means is that my opinions will differ from yours. Don't think that just because I have different views from you that it's okay to force your views on me. No, it won't work that way. I apologize for sounding like a conceited bitch, but I get enough of it during life's daily events, so if you're here mainly to bring up nonsensical shit like this, go away.

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2008-06-12 07:44 am UTC (link)
After much deep thought, I have come to a conclusion. I owe it to Lexi to give us as friends another shot. She's suffering because of my own stubbornness, and I won't stand for it.

I forgive you for what you did. My anger has subsided, and I'm willing to put it behind us. I will admit that I was astonishingly angry with you the other night, but again, I'll put it behind us as long as you are willing to as well.

However, I would like to state a few conditions before you do.

First off, please use this or another journal more often. I'm trying to be your friend, and if you're constantly RPing or never using a journal when I can't get on IMs often, then the point falls through. Okay? Besides, I want to hear about your life again!

Secondly, don't hide anything from me anymore. Got it? I'm here to be supportive when I can be, and I can't do that unless old!Liz shows up and trusts me again.

Finally, if you still have the entry, I'd like to see the one where you sladered me. ...It's an odd request, but until I see it, I won't know how to react to certain... things, you know? I'd like to know your current mental, at least. Also, I do think seeing that will give me closure. Not that I don't believe anything the people who told me, but... it's a see-it-for-myself thing, you know? You don't HAVE to show me them, but I'd appreciate it. I know it's probably... mean of me to ask, so this is more of a request. You don't have to, again. It's a request that I wouldn't blame you for denying. :)

You have the right to decline this if you'd like, I won't hold it against you.

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2008-06-12 07:53 am UTC (link)
To be perfectly honest with you, I was not expecting this in a million years, Aeria. Though, to see that you're doing this for Lexi really does put a smile on my face.

I'm willing to put it behind me and start anew with you.

To your first point, I am using [info]eevee more. I'm finally getting comfortable into Scribbld and making this journal my very own. I will make sure to update this as much as my other journals for you.

old!Liz is here and she's really happy to see you again, seriously. I won't hide a thing from you anymore. I am opening up to my entire f-list, which is hard, yet I'm trying my best. :)

It's up on [info]hell_kaiser, methinks. I'll add you to that right away. And please, for the love of whomever, disregard the top entry that you see, when I do add you. Though, it's not mean. You want closure and I'm willing to work that out with you.

Declined? More like accepted. Welcome back, Aeria.

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2008-06-12 08:03 am UTC (link)
Well, I strive to be unpredictable. ;P

Good, I'm glad. I know it's a big thing for you, since you don't really like Scribbld, so thank you.

Thank you, and good for you. Honestly, opening up is good for you. Learn to trust, because, even if it stings, it's worth it. You'll learn so much more.

Again, thank you. That means a lot to me that you're willing to show it. ♥

Pfft, more like welcome back, Liz. We were having a party without you, where ya' been!? ♥

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2008-06-12 08:06 am UTC (link)
And unpredictable was that!

You're welcome. I do try to be more accommodating to my f-list over here. Besides, I don't post that much on InsaneJournal anymore, so...this is like my main journal site.

I'm still growing up, so I got a lot of things to learn, but I'm trying and I'm determined.

You're welcome. ♥

I don't know! :O

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2008-06-12 08:13 am UTC (link)
Ah, I see. Same here, Scribbld is the first place I check now. XD And we used to hate it! Go figure...

Hey, we're all growing up. I talk big, but I'm sure everyone knows I'm as bratty as they come. :P

I'll tell you where -- /u/, right? :( Stop masturbating!

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2008-06-13 04:40 pm UTC (link)
It's irony, clearly. XD

And yeah. ^^ I just turned 16, but I still am learning. :D

...HEY. ;; /u/ is good. XD

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