| C.C. § I overcome space and time. ( eevee) wrote, @ 2008-08-08 21:22:00 |
Current mood: | amused |
Current music: | Beast of Blood by Malice Mizer. |
!! 105 !!

Hey, everyone! You wanna know what this post is for, yes? Well, first of all, it'll always remain public. Second of all, it's if I'm not around and/or on vacation and you need to get in touch with me. You can leave me praise, yell at me until you're blue in the face, give me a compliment, pimp something out to me, tell me you need me, etc etc etc... the list goes on and on. It's my voicemail, pure and simple, yes yes.
So, you can leave anything you want. Comments are screened automatically, so there's no need to worry about this being leaked out.
'Til then? Pour your heart out. Also, see ya later.
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