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eddie ([info]eddiecolon) wrote,
@ 2012-02-27 00:04:00

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2012-03-07 09:22 am UTC (link)
i look forward to that. though don't worry about it, i just hope you feel better. :)

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2012-03-10 09:11 pm UTC (link)
I'm still here and doing a reply right now! I have the worst ear infection, still can't hear out of one ear at all :( thank you for being so understanding.

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2012-03-11 08:00 am UTC (link)
no, thank you for such a great reply. i'm going to return it in the next day or so - want to give it a tag it deserves.

i'm sorry you're going through that and please let me know hopefully when it gets better. that sounds pretty rough.

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2012-03-17 01:52 pm UTC (link)
hey, i just wanted to check in and ask if everything is okay with you?

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