disenchanted lullaby's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
disenchanted lullaby

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[01 Jan 2009|12:01am]
[ music | it's gotta be you, bsb ]

i know it's a little early but...

my twothousand&nine
new years resolutions

one: if you think about it (laundry/homework/chores), you have to do it right away.
two: don't worry so much.
three: study for stuff (including interviews).
four: get a new job (!).
five: make time for things (breakfast, making lunch, homework & friends). don't try to do it all at once either.
six: try to be less negative.
seven: spend less, save more.
eight: be less dependent and more independent (including thinking more for yourself and not waiting for others to decide).

more to come.
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stole from a friend on facebook . . [01 Jul 2008|03:33pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | foo fighters ]

Things I want to do in summer '08: 

click me :D )

legend :
strike out - accomplished
bolded - important to me
italics - especially want accomplished

Last updated: August 13th
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do i dazzle you? [19 Feb 2008|07:30pm]
[ music | HIM, 'wicked game' ]


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