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erica ([info]durance) wrote,
@ 2008-01-07 01:26:00

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back to the streets where we began. feeling as good as lovers can, you know. well, now we're feeling so good. back to the street where we began. feeling as good as love, you could, you can. now we're feeling so good. into a place, where thoughts can bloom. into a room where it's nine in the afternoon. now we're feeling so good. into a place where thoughts can bloom, can you feel it too? 'cause it's nine in the afternoon, your eyes are the size of the moon. you could 'cause you can, so you do. we're feeling so good, just the way that we do when it's nine in the afternoon.

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2008-01-09 05:31 am UTC (link)
Angry icon for you.

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