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[Apr. 5th, 2008|08:34 pm]
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[Current Mood | shocked]

"Fall Out Boy is attempting to become the first band ever to play all seven continents by staging a show in Antarctica later this week."

"Let's hope Fall Out Boy packed more than hoodies and tight jeans for their record-breaking trip to Antarctica this week. With Guinness World Records in tow, the emo band will make history as the only group to play all seven continents. Guinness stipulates that they perform at a 300-person plus venue, so penguins and confused scientists will serve as the makeshift audience during the band's hour-long set. Pete Wentz had been keen to do the trip for a while, but the group fast-tracked its plans when they heard Radiohead was planning the same stunt."

pete wentz you eccentric bastard. After this how's he gonna top himself... crazy biotch... *shakes head*

[User Picture]From: [info]cky
2008-04-06 05:06 am (UTC)


I love it how when Radiohead was going to do it, they all of a sudden started to make all of these plans to do it before them. :|
[User Picture]From: [info]ducktaped
2008-04-06 02:49 pm (UTC)


i doubt theyd been 'keen to do it for a while'.
wentz, wentz,wentz he's sucha attention whore...