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[Jan. 26th, 2008|09:11 pm]
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[Current Mood | cheerful]
[Current Music |mc hammer "hammer time!"]

topĀ 100 90s songs

talk about depressing and nostalgic. yet brill. and talk bout the lost decade. i remember half these songs, but nothing else about that time in my life. i have such a bad memory. i think i need to update more probably. god knows next year i wont remember this day. =]

[User Picture]From: [info]cky
2008-01-27 05:27 am (UTC)


i remember some of the decade. bearly. idk we were so young. it was well before we really relized how important memories are and stuff.

hahahah i love 90s music though. spice girls<33333
[User Picture]From: [info]ducktaped
2008-01-27 06:19 pm (UTC)


yea, i think to me the 90s were these songs and sometimes where i was when i was listening to it. like driving in my brother's first car and the radio blasting.

lol, yea, they had the spice girls like somewhere in the top twenty or so and i was like, 'wow, i think i need to see them in concert', cause they are doing this reunion thingy supposedly. XD