ducktaped - June 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 23rd, 2008

[Jun. 23rd, 2008|10:35 am]
the darksome statesman, hung with weights and woe,
like a thick midnight-fog, moved there slow,
he did not stay, nor go

henry vaughan, the world
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[Jun. 23rd, 2008|03:29 pm]
[Current Mood | anxious]

now sir, young Fortinbras,
of unimproved mettle hot and full,
hath in the skirts of Norway here and there
Sharked up a list of lawless resolutes
for food and diet to some enterprise
that hath a stomach in't.

shakespeare, hamlet
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[Jun. 23rd, 2008|09:35 pm]
omg omg omg. im so relieved. i found my sophomore french notebook. i thought i may have thrown it away. but i found it without even looking for it. god, you have no idea how grateful i am rite now. its damn miracle. :D

on an other note im gonna update with some poetry stuff. comment on it, tell me the good the bad and the horrible. kay?
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