User: | drielle (9131) |
Name: | valeretto. |
Website: | i love you, but i picked darkness |
Birthdate: | 1988-08-30 |
Email: | sundance_moonshine@hotmail.com
AOL IM: | shoot the poet (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Bio: | 
"The thought of myself and my life fills me with dread. It's like I've been playing Tetris at too easy a level for too long. After a while you're like do I actually like this game? And then you can't remember what you used to do for fun." |
Schools: | None listed |
Friends: |  | 25: | __puppeteer, agincourt, bollywood, boomer, calamari, dakin, drielle, freud, greenlander, headgirl, ludivine, mikipinku, neithernor, news, onethingreal, peacocks, puffed, purple, retrospect, swansong, system, theblev, tiersen, wilde, xanthophiliac |
Friend of: | 19: agincourt, bollywood, calamari, dakin, drielle, freud, greenlander, headgirl, ludivine, mikipinku, neithernor, onethingreal, peacocks, retrospect, swansong, theblev, tiersen, wilde, xanthophiliac |
Member of: | 1: usernames |
Account type: | Early Adopter |
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