Dresden Academy Faculty

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Core Staff II

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Core Staff
Markus Behrend
Coaches Quidditch

He teaches curse words to the first years on the first day of class just to get them interested and engaged in the learning process.
Gerard Best

Best is a little weird and not entirely "at home." He likes to test his experimental potions on himself.
Orenthal Langley
House parent for Hulett

Extremely nice and very patient professor, though his size makes him an intimidating presence.
Pilar Olivier
Coaches cheerleading

Former professional cheerleader for a quodpot team (she won't say which one). She has a real gift for charms and discovered she had a talent for teaching it.
Gerlinde Von Brandt
Defense Against the Dark Arts
House parent for University

Despite that she looks like a sweet, old woman, Gerlinde is an accomplished witch who worked for the League of American Wizards as an auror. She retired after a dangerous mission that lost one of her younger fellows and took up a post teaching.
Douglas West
House parent for Clemons, oversees detentions

He's something of a badass despite his small stature. His motto is "once a Clemons, always a Clemons."
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