Advanced Staff
Claudia Anderson Advanced Transfig I and II/Animagus Studies House parent for Champlain An animagus herself, she tends to gear her transfiguration classes toward the end goal of turning oneself into an animal. |
Mother Criss Advanced Divination A terrifying woman with clear perception and a sharp tongue. She'll cut down any student to cross her. Rumor has it she was a great beauty in her hey day. |
Lars Holden Advanced Herbology I and II Coaches Quodpot Frowns on Crinshlow's habits, especially when his students turn up to class bleary eyed with the munchies. |
Betsy Livingston Advanced Care of Magical Creatures I and II Oversees the Dance Troupe Probably the nicest teacher on campus. She's very lenient with her dance students and wants them to enjoy what they do rather than suffer through it. |
Templeton Morse Advanced Potions I and II Oversees Potions club Oftentimes he's the favorite professor of the student body. He's also the resident bad ass teacher, breaking up fights with a single, quiet word and hauling kids off to detention one handed. |
James Walsh Wandless Magic/Apparation Coaches Quodpot Another resident bad ass. Students don't mess with P. Walsh. |