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Christmas presents [23 Dec 2009|10:01pm]
Almost everyone else at the X-Mansion gets baked goods, with a mixture of 4 different kinds of cookies, plus sweetened oat cakes.

Moira and Danielle get the following note:
I've made arrangements with the Haida tribal council. We have been approved to spend 1 week with full tags and licenses for hunting caribou and moose. I have likewise arranged to get help from a wolf spirit and borrow its form for that week, so the three of us can hunt properly.
We have approval to do this any time during the holiday break, once we can get transportation and any necessary permissions from the school, most of which I've arranged, with just the question of possible chaperoning remaining. My mother has signed off on me going alone, you may make arrangements with your family or the school as necessary.
Merry Christmas
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[20 May 2009|04:07pm]
Spending the night in the city took some serious getting used to. He'd been in Denver enough, but New York was something else entirely. Taking the cab out to the country was something of a relief. He doesn't have much, just the one gym bag of worldly possessions. He makes his way out of the cab and up to the gate, studying the school from afar for several minutes before finally ringing the buzzer.
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