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kostos ([info]drakontas) wrote,
@ 2020-07-19 11:39:00

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>>> personality

Almost painfully shy, Kostos keeps to himself mainly. He loves his family and would do anything for them. Kostos is quiet and strong, with a wicked sense of humor that he rarely shows to anyone but Alex and sometimes his coworkers and comes off as either mute, dull or mean.

Kostos doesn’t see in black and white, preferring more to judge everything on their own merits. He’s incredibly patient except for his own shortcomings, for which he has very little time for and often gets angry at himself for them.

He’s kind to pretty much everyone and doesn’t care about any of that blood purity nonsense, despite it being shoved down his throat at Durmstrang. He’s more about if you can do magic, do it the best you can, without prejudice. To him, magic is magic is magic. There’s no right or wrong, it just is. Kostos does excel at the darker magics, but he doesn’t care about that. Kostos has always loved animals and adores his job working with dragons. He likes that while animals aren't simple, they don't come with all of the crap that humans do..

full name: Zotikos Titos Bouloukos
birthdate: 30 December 1955
bloodline: Half-blood
parents: Ismeme Bouloukos and Errikos Bouloukos (deceased)
other family: siblings: Ariston Errikos (17), Eos Apollyn (9); cousins: Alexandrakis Smith (20), Psyke Brown (24), Aesop Smith (12); cousins by marriage: Graciela Smith (20), Harper Brown (24); second cousins: Zacharias Smith (1)
occupation: Dragon Keeper
wand: Beechwood, 8 1/2", Unicorn tail hair.
patronus: wyvern
schooling: Durmstrang 1967-74
height: 6’
weight: 180 lbs

>>> history
Kostos grew up in a moderate town in the Thessaloniki Prefecture in Greece, his father a ministry worker and his mother a singing coach. The oldest by nearly ten years, Kostos played football and excelled in his home schooling. His formative years were spent at Durmstrang where he played Quidditch and was a prefect. It was his father’s influence that sent him there instead of Beauxbatons, feeling the environment would make his son manlier. Being thrown into a Russian school knowing only Greek and not a single soul, he became withdrawn and threw himself into his studies, uncaring about what he studied, as long as it was interesting and everything was interesting to Kostos, even the darker spells.

After leaving school, he lived with his parents for a year or so, working around the city doing odd jobs and studying on his own before his father put his foot down and sent Kostos to live with his aunt and uncle in England to learn English and get a ‘real’ job. Unable to speak English properly, he couldn’t apply to the ministry or any of those jobs, but he found part time work at a dragon reserve in Wales that didn’t require much communication. After three months, the job turned into a more permanent position as he learned how to handle and be around the dragons more. He likes working with the majestic creatures and is often amused by their antics.

Outside of work, Kostos spends most of his time at home that he shares with his cousin, Alex. He dislikes going out in public a lot, because of the language barrier, even though he knows more English now than when he first came to live in England, he still hates being embarrassed by his speaking skills and fears getting laughed at. His regimen for learning involves watching as much television as possible and some of the guys at work teaching him ‘key’ phrases.

>>> out of character

Played by: Jonas Armstrong
Font: Stylgraph
Player: Alter
Soundtrack: Fall From Grace

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