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Bio for Charlie Weasley [07 Jan 2012|12:34am]
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[07 Jan 2012|10:34am]
Well that's the holidays done and gone. Good visit with the family, as always. Miss you all more than you know. Still soon enough will be back to the Outer Hebrides and work. Lucky enough the beasties are not so active during this time of year. Have an axe to grind when I get back to Wiay Isle and I mean a literal one, wood doesn't chop itself, well it can but...
Any of my siblings wish to join me for a bit of post new year joy, I am more than willing to buy a couple of rounds provided of course that you all wear your Christmas jumpers. A round on me for each jumper, on a sibling present. Course any of the rest of you lot want in I might be found generous. I have until the 14th then it is back to salt spray and cold, cept of course when the damn beasts get a twitch, then is nothing but fire, flame and face melting heat.
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[ viewing | January 7th, 2012 ]
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