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[24 Apr 2014|08:20am]

Zero: *optics online dimly, hand shifting just enough for the backs of his fingers to touch TC. His voice his weak, but his spark will echo the same.* There's.....nothing to... forgive. I love you...TC. I'm s-sorry. *that he's had to do what he hates to save Zero. His strength is used up then and he'll go still, tucked into TC's spark and just concentrating on not dying.*

TC: ........*catches up that hand in both of his, forcing himself to calm down and be still* Shh. Just rest, Master. I've got you. You're going to be all right. I swear it...

Zero: *gives TC a small smile, his love and pride for TC pulsing softly along the link. He'll just settle, spark clinging to TC, tucked into him, feeling safe and secure.*

Jumps: */finally/ arrives. He moves quickly to TC's side, resting a hand on his shoulder a moment before moving to check on Zero.*

TC: *with the arrival of others, a shot of /panic/ goes through TC at being "caught" at what he's doing…almost pulls back from Zero on reflex, but catches himself partly because he can't for Zero's sake and partly because he registers that it's Jumps who /told/ him to do this . . . h-he just nods and shifts so he's not in Jumps' way, keeps his head down to avoid seeing the look in Iron's optics at what he's doing…*

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[23 Apr 2014|08:12am]

*Months will pass. It's been a really good time for TC. Zero still takes time to pamper him now and then, taking a day to do something special. Today, Zero had to go out, something he said TC couldn't join him for. It's getting late and still there's no sign of Zero.*

TC: *will wait till close to their normal bedtime, then will call the police station, just…asking if they happen to have heard anything of his master…and what is the status of the case against Oil*

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[22 Apr 2014|08:19am]

Zero: Doing things to make you happy? That's never a trouble.

TC: ....*a little sheepish* Sir...I'm not in pain one way or another, I'm in a home I can feel safe in, with a master who treats me like a person, not just a possession. I'm already happier than I've been in a very long time.

Zero: *smiles* I'm glad you're happy here. .....C'mon. *will head out to get fuel.*

TC: *still /very/ subdued, but the faint grin grows a bit* I would be a blind fool not to be, sir. *follows*

Zero: *after fuel he'll head out with TC* I hope you enjoy today. *has a grin on his face*

TC: .....I'm sure I will. May I ask where we're going?

Zero: *sly grin* Since you don't know what you'd like to do, you'll just have to be surprised. We can fly there if you want, though.

TC: I think that can be arranged, sir.

Zero: *grins and puts himself into position to be carried.*

TC: *wraps his arms around Zero and they take off*

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[21 Apr 2014|08:11am]

Officer1: Quiet, you. *snorts* You'll deserve the beating you get when he gets you home. *will offer Oil a remote...* We had a new one programmed to his collar. Don't let him take it this time...

Oil: Thank you, Officer. *takes it....and will send a wave of electricity through TC until the Seeker drops to his knees*

TC: *sobbing /snarls/ as he goes down*

Oil: *keeps it up for a bit, then turns the electricity off so the officer can haul TC to his feet.* I suggest you walk, Seeker. If I have to have you carried home, you will regret it.

TC: If you've done something to my master, you sadistic excuse of a glitch, I swear to Primus I will bury you in the Pit /myself/. *knows he's going to pay, and pay /dearly/, for anything and everything, so he's not even bothering to hold back*

Oil: */backhands/ him.* Speak again and I'll cut off your ability to speak. Now walk.

TC: *turns expertly with the blow…still winds up reeling a bit . . . /shuddering/ from both the lingering effects of the shock collar and the /horror/ of what he knows is coming, /glares/ at Oil before turning and striding down the hall, shoulders square and wings /high/*

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[18 Apr 2014|09:07am]

Zero: Maybe you'll come to be able to accept this someday. You're all going to see and experience things you could never have imagined before.

Deckard: And we are deeply grateful for the opportunity.

Maru, DB: *oblivious to the convo, having too much fun flying*

Zero: *will slip an arm around Deckard and give him a light snug...*

*The group on the holodeck will finally land. It may just be their imagination, but the three Seekers look more at ease and genuinely happy than they've yet seen.*

DB:  That was /fun/!

Maru: *also looking extremely at ease*

McC: *glad for the distraction and change of topic*  You three are amazing to watch.

Warp: *GRINNING*  Of course we are!

TC: *cuts him a glance but doesn't say anything – to McC*  Thank you.

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[17 Apr 2014|08:26am]

Stars: *already pulling up Duke’s blueprints*

Deckard: *explores his new body, /thanking/ Zero again*

Duke: *nods* Yes, of course. Please go get rest.

Zero: *smiles and nods and will head out.*

Stars: Come lie down, let me have a look at you. *waves Duke over.*

Duke: *does do*

Deckard: Can I help with anything?

Stars: *studies Deckard a moment...and nods. He'll put Deckard to work playing fetch for different parts and componants.*

Deckard: *happy to do so*

Stars: *isn't as gentle as Zero, but he's not rough either. He'll see what he needs to in Duke and will get his body built. Duke and Deckard won't have to stay the whole time. It'll be some hours before he's ready for Duke to come back to complete the last part of the process.*

*They'll stay for as long as they're useful – they figure they owe that much at least (and they'll make the same offer to Zero once he's working again) – but if they're shooed off, they won't argue.*

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[16 Apr 2014|08:28am]

*While the ninjas were off flying, Zero had started on the body of another Brave. The BP are sitting in the large garden with Alem and the pups, the falcon cuddled in someone's arms. The pups play around the BP's feet.*

Alem: It's going to be strange to have all of you suddenly towering over me. *seems amused by the thought.*

*Unless Zero decided arbitrarily who he was working on next, the Braves (except for Deckard) insisted Deckard should be next. DB still has the falcon, and Duke is loving on Crackers.*

McC: *mild frown* That isn't going to be an issue, I hope. *they don't want to alienate their friend*

Alem: *chuckles* I don't see why it would be. *smiles around at them*

McC: Thank you, Alem. That means a lot to us.

*Nodding all around.*

Alem: You are my friends, my family, no matter what size you are.

Crackers: Myehh! *almost like she's agreeing.*

Deckard: *grinning*  And you are ours as well. *chuckles at Crackers*  Yes, you too, Crackers.

DB: I wonder how Shadowmaru and Kagerou are doing.

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[15 Apr 2014|09:27am]

*The others are hanging back, observing...and SO HAPPY for both of them*

Kage: *clings a long moment longer then shifts Maru back to study him again, a little grin on his face.*

Zero: ....Why don't you two come with me?

Maru: *gazes back with a similar grin, can't help wondering what Kage's heard of them, if ...if his prototype and mentor is proud of him - to Zero*  Sure, thank you.

Zero: *will take them to the holoroom. Stars is there*

Stars: *spots Maru.* Well, look at you. How's it feel to not be so tiny anymore?

Maru: *grins*  Each form has its advantages.  That said . . . *shrugs, glancing at Kage*  It's easier to look my brother in the eye this way.

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*forwards emails to work, copies, perma-deletes* [14 Apr 2014|08:36am]

*The Braves cannot /begin/ to express their thanks enough.  They ask Hitoshi, Saejima, and Toudou to /please/ reach out to their other friends – Yuuta's family and neighbors, Seia, Ayako, everyone they were closest to – and let them know they're okay.  Give them that peace at least.  The final morning, there's a melancholy mixed with excitement as they say goodbye to everything they've ever known and loved, and they board the shuttle.*

Kage: *has at least Maru in his arms....and will hold anyone else who wants to be.*

Zero: *will help everyone settle* Don't worry, everything will be fine, and we can come back when you wish.

Maru: *is content there - he gets to be reunited with his brother /and/ stay eith his team, he can't ask for much more*

*The others prefer their freedom of mobility as they get settled in.*

*And off they go. They shuttle shoots through the sky, and in about half an hour, they're approaching a large ship. The shuttle docs, and they'll be lead onto the main ship, where they'll be living for a while. Stars had comm'ed his trine, letting them know of the company coming with them.*

Zero: *steps out into the large docking bay.* Welcome to your new home, at least until we reach our destination. 

*The Braves step out, looking around in various states of awe.  TC and Warp are standing off to one side, figuring they could at least come meet the little Earth-bots.*

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[11 Apr 2014|09:51am]

Kage: I'd be honored to meet him.

Karaf: He'd be welcome too. *shrugs* If he's interested. There is a large area of the ship that will sustain organic life.

Deckard: I have no idea if he'd be interested, but he might. He's been living out here as a hermit for several years now.

Karaf: *nods* Then let us go see your friends and see what they think of this idea.

Zero: *will stand and move to lead the way out.*

Karaf: *will motion for Kage to go first*

Kage: *with Deckard and Maru tucked protectively to his chest, will follow Zero.*

Stars: *when they step out, he'll shift to walk by Zero. He seems /so/ much more relaxed and no longer agitated.* Going for a walk?

Zero: Going to meet those who may be joining us.

Stars: *nods, and will stay with them.*

Deckard: *actually kind of surprised the robot is still there*

Maru:  *is too…and not too polite to ask – small, wry grin*  Our forest preferable to you over the Arctic after all?

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[10 Apr 2014|08:10am]

Maru: *inches forward, lost in shock* H-how...how are you...?? *frowns suddenly, /stopping/* Is it really /you/ or... *to Deckard* ...or just his body? *"again"*

Deckard: All of him. Someone was able to recover his Super AI chip from that submarine.

Maru: .......*looks back at Kage, still not sure he believes...but DESPERATELY WANTING to*

Kage: *softly* My Super AI was found by an explorer from another planet. He was able to bring me back, rebuild my body. It's really me. *he...he can't help it, he'll put his hand out to Maru.*

Maru:  K-kagerou! *starts forward...then is /darting/ to his brother, hopping into that hand and just...just /staring/...*

Kage: *brings Maru up to his chest and kind of curls around him with a soft buzz of static.* When I woke up, I was told you were- that you w-were... *huffs, unable to make himself say it.*

Maru: *PRESSES himself across Kage's chest, softly*  I was . . . *soft, sudden snicker, ever the humorist*  Now I'm just fun-sized.  * the humor's also partly a coping mechanism for /him/ because OMG KAGE'S ALIVE!*

Deckard: *soft grin at the sight…can't help a snicker at Maru's comment*

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[09 Apr 2014|08:22am]

Kage: *after a long moment of silence* ...........I'm sorry, Deckard. I'm sorry for my actuons when we first met, and the situation I forced you into. ...And I'm truly sorry for your loss. I wish I would have had a chance to know Little Boss as the rest of you did. *voice is quiet, but the words and grief sincere.*

Deckard: .........I'm sorry too. What happened to you never should have. We'd been sent after a rogue warmachine, or so we'd been told. At the time, it had still only been me, McCrane, Power Joe, and Dumpson. We had no idea there were other Super AIs out there. We hadn't been told the truth about you, and we didn't know yet about Shadowmaru. Not until that robotics convention. Saejima-sama and Toudou-san had been worried about what it would do to us if we knew. In a sense...they were right. *finally looks up* I'm so sorry you were treated as you were, including by me and my team. *pauses, drawing a cycle of air - glances at Zero, then refocuses on Kage* I know why your Super AI sparked when it did. It's /because/ you're a Super AI, one derived from /mine/. You and I are linked in that respect. We all are. And linked to Yuuta who made all of us possible. When your Super AI sparked, mine did too. Everyone's did. That was the moment that...t-that Yuuta...died...

Kage: *was going to say he'd not really given the BP any reason to doubt what they'd been told, but the last about Yuuta makes him stop, just staring at Deckard.* .........I wish I could have known him.

Zero: *glances at Kage. Interesting...*

Karaf: *curled up nearby, watching and listening* ........You robots are fascinating people.

Deckard:   *softly*  I wish you could have too. *glances at Karaf and…looks away, expression unreadable*

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For whenever I can, at least [08 Apr 2014|08:08am]

Bot: *amused little smirk.* Yes. *he'll bring up his other hand to put Deckard on his feet in a palm rather than holding him trapped in a hand.* I didn't realize humans could give their robots sentience. I'd heard rumors of it, but by the time I made my way to this country to see for myself...well... *disappointed shrug.*

Deckard: Thank you. It's...not common, at least not yet. I'm hoping one day there will be more of us. *whoa...back up* Wait...you /weren't/ built by humans?

Bot: Nope. Made and spark by my own kind on Cybertron. Name's Subzero, scientist, inventor, and explorer at your service. This is Karaf. *nods at the dragon.*

Deckard: *shocked* You're an /alien/ robot? That...that sounds like there's a whole /race/ of- *catches himself, hunching a bit* I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I'm very pleased to meet you both, Subzero-san, Karaf-sama. *nnnnnnope, quietly did /not/ give his name...since revealing /who/ he is would also betray /what/ he is...not that he can think of anyone these two could tell without creating problems for themselves...*

Zero: *amused* There is a whole race of sentient robots. *hadtilts, studying the tiny bot in his hand.* You...remind me... Is your name Deckard, by chance?

Deckard:  ................ *considers lying for a moment...but...gaze drops*  It is.  I'm afraid I'm not here legally.  *looks up*  You came here looking for us, for the Brave Police...?

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[07 Apr 2014|08:18am]

Duke: *quietly and carefully buries the dead, then radios for some of the team to meet him at his current position - they'll gather the litter to bring back to the cabin*

Alem: *chopping wood as they approach with the pups.* What's this?

Duke: An orphaned litter of fox pups. I buried their mother. She'd been attacked by something and apparently died of her injuries.

Alem: *wipes his brow with a rag and sets the ax down. He steps over to look.* Eight. That's a big litter. You know how to care for them? *just checking*

Dmps: We were hoping you would.

DB: We couldn't just leave them!

Alem: *smiles* I will teach you. They will be yours to care for. There's even one for each of you if you think the rest of your team might be interested.

*The Braves exchange looks – they'll have to talk to the others before committing them.  Dmps and DB have five in a blanket between them, and Duke is carrying the other three.*

Duke: *studies Dmps and DB, then to Alem*  They'll be cared for one way or another.

*DB and Dumps nodnodnod!*

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[04 Apr 2014|08:19am]

Alem: *just smiles. He'll get his dinner when it's ready, eating while the two oass the jug of water between them. They'll chat more.*

Crackers: *the Braves will find a goat head on their laps from time to time. She'll go to whoever doesn't have the jug, insisting on ear scratches with soft bleets. Eventually she'll go hop up on the arm of the chair Alem is sitting in and settle herself on his lap to sleep.*

Alem: ...I had a dog when I first got Crackers. She raised the goat like her pup. Sometimes I'm sure Crackers thinks she /is/ a dog, and not a goat.

*They're both quite willing to love on her.*

Deckard: *grins, nodding* I've heard of cross-species bonding like that.

Duke: Overall, it's a good thing, but it does tend to confuse the younger animal in some ways.

Alem: That it does. It's precious to see, though. *softly petting Crackers* *he looks up at the Braves* Do you two sleep? Sorry, I know very little about robots, especially living ones.

Deckard:  It's all right.  Not many do.  And yes, we do require periods of time where we cycle down into rest modes.

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[03 Apr 2014|08:18am]

Man: *will loosen his hold, letting Deckard turn to look at him. He's a big man, scruffy, but with a kind face. Dirty blond hair and gray eyes clearly mark him as European. He gives Deckard a gentle smile that makes his eyes seem to sparkle.* My name is Alem. Alem Klemens. It's a pleasue to meet you. *his deep voice is an almost gentle rumble. He...just seems like a genuinely kind and gentle soul.*

Deckard: P-pleasure to meet you. Why are you out here?

Alem: I live out here. I've been away from the cabin for a while, seems someone assumed it was abandoned. *seems amused by that, not upset at all.*

Deckard: ....I'm sorry. We didn't mean to intrude. Please let me go, and we'll leave you be.

Alem: You have not intruded. *he does fully release Deckard, though, looking mildly...sad* You do not need to go. *glances over Deckard, noting the injuries* It looks as though you could use a friend.

Deckard: ………….thank you, but I'm afraid I can't allow that.  I don't want to endanger you.  I'm not here…legally… *somewhat…ashamed at that, if he's honest*

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[02 Apr 2014|08:12am]

Deckard: *stiffens, not used to being held unless it's by an enemy robot fighting back, it makes him look up for a moment, unconsciously questioning even though he /gets/ what Toudou's doing*

Toudou: *gives him a small smile.* Not used to that, are you? You'll be all right. *still has his arms loosely around Deckard.*

Saejima: We kept your Super AIs-

Hitoshi: *wry, amused, and softly, more to himself, he's not /actually/ interrupting* More like stole them.

Saejima: -and had put them in new bodies. Well...you and Deckard so far. The others will join you as they're ready.

Deckard: I-I'm sorry... *for what, he's...not sure...but he /does/ lean in a little*

Duke: ........ why? *looking between Saejima and Hitoshi*

Toudou: Shhh. Nothing to apologize over. *hugs him*

Hitoshi: Because the Board was /wrong/. You didn't deserve to be killed. *yes, killed...*

Saejima: *nods* It's all we can do for you right now. I'll have you relocated, and it will be up to all of you to keep yourselves going.

Deckard: ……………….. *buries in, finding that he…/r-really/ likes this, even if he's not thinking consciously enough to admit it to himself*

Duke: ……………. I see… *still so many questions…but his mind and heart are…numb…*

33 comments|post comment

[01 Apr 2014|08:14am]

Deckard: *quietly* You're right. We failed you last time. We were completely unprepared and unequipped to deal with the Vorians. We won't promise we'll be able to defeat them this time either, but our boss is right. We're told that you have weapons and knowledge now that we didn't have. I don't know how big this fantasy has grown, the "if only the Brave Police were here", and I can't promise that we'll be able to live up to it . . . but what I can promise is this - our mission hasn't changed. The Brave Police were designed and tasked with the protection of mankind, both from threats within, from criminal elements, and from threats from beyond. To that end, we rededicate ourselves, up to and including our very lives, to all of you and to the freeing of our world from its invaders.

*The rest of the team is silent and at attention...but it's CLEAR on their faces that they all feel the same.*

Man5: *he's a big guy, tall, broad, he starts for the stage, not moving fast. People shuffle out of his way to let him approach. He looks bigger and stronger than some of the professional wrestlers the BP have seen (either from the one case of missing athletes or from those PJ and Dmps used to watch on TV) and yet there seems to be a deliberate gentleness to his movements. He reaches the stage, looks over the BP, then offers his hand to Deckard* We're glad to have you with us. We know you'll do your best for all of us, just like you always used to.

Deckard: *small, grateful smile and kneels to carefully accept that hand, pinched gently between his thumb and the knuckle of his finger*  We're honored to be allowed to serve again, sir.

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[31 Mar 2014|08:09am]

Nicolai: *comes out later* Good morning. *despite it being afternoon.*

*They'll ask how he's been doing the past several days, how's Aren, just get to know him...also start getting more on what the world is like, where people are, how they survive, etc . . . they'll gladly greet Nicolai when he joins them again*

Terris: *will fill them in, and promises they'll have new weapons soon too*

Nicolai: Is Mitham still working? *nods at the barn*

Deckard: *shakes his head with a small frown of concern* He said he was going to get some food and rest. He wasn't in the trailer?

Nicolai: *also frowns* No, he wasn't...

Terris: *also frowns* I'd like to go look for him. *will shift to be put down...or if Duke wants to carry him over he's cool with that too*

Duke: *puts him down*

PJ: Maybe he decided to get some more work done after all.  Kid's been going practically nonstop as it is.

Deckard: */frowning/*  We know we have enemies.  We can't risk it.  Terris, Nicolai, please check the trailer.  Duke, Gunmax, Shadowmaru, the barn.  Build Team, with me – we'll scan the grounds and perimeter.

Team: *salutes!* Roger! *the Braves move off to their assignments*

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[28 Mar 2014|09:23am]

*Mitham and Nicolai will get to work again after a meal. Soon, Maru will be up and working again. They'll work next on GM and are standing back, eager to see if he'll be okay as he powers up.*

*Deckard warns them that, if he's at all himself, GM is one who will almost certainly come up fighting due to last memories, much like Duke did but much more violently. (While they're on the subject, PJ's another and very possibly Dmps too.)  Maru offers to wake him.  Deckard will help Mitham and Nicolai back up to the loft to start with.*

Maru: *crouched at GM's hip, taps his chest*  Hey, Biker-san.  Wakey-wakey.

*Deckard, Duke, n McC are nearby and easily viewable, but not crowding.*

GM: */flinches/, then optics /flare/ behind his visor, face contorts as he /sits/ up with a snarled curse*

Maru: *easily catches his wrists, then flicks the bill of his helm*  Hey!  Easy, Biker-san.  You're safe.  They're gone…for now.

Deckard: *shifts forward*  Gunmax, it's Deckard.  Do you remember us?

GM: */flinches/ back from the flicking, starting to growl again…but then he registers Maru*  Maru? *looks…and mouth /falls/ open*  D-deckard!?  McCrane, Duke!  W-what…?  *looks around*  What the fuck…?

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