Deckard: We'll talk to Saejima-sama in the morning. *small frown* Has Skywarp regained consciousness yet?
Stars: I'll let you know when he wakes. *looks at TC, studying him...just kind of mentally checking on his second.* //Get some recharge, Thundercracker.// *yes, right here on the roof, under the open sky.*
TC: *frowns, looking away - under the sky is wonderful...but out here in the open, surrounded by alien mechs and their insects, and him feeling so vulnerable...but he trusts his trine leader, so he just nods and settles, shutting down as much as he can in the hopes of slipping into recharge*
McC: *watching TC in concern, quietly to Stars* Is he going to be all right?
Stars: *won't leave him, and will wake TC if he has to leave him.* Yes. *he has to be. TC is /his/ and far too strong to be killed by these puny, disgusting organic things.* He'll be better when he has his wings back. One does /not/ take a Seeker's wings.
TC: *those puny, disgusting organic things did slag to him even another Decepticon wouldn't do . . . but no, he /will/ survive, he's a survivor, a fighter, he /will/ overcome this!...with that, he does finally slip into recharge*
*Deckard will take Yuuta home for now, and the other BP's will also go rest, one staying up on guard on the roof with Stars and TC and the others going to their docking cradles – they'll rotate through the night so that all of them get at least /some/ rest*
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