Man: ....Thank you. *looks back at the door to the room TC is in.* If you can get him out... I've left this area unsecured. It's all I can do.
Maru: *nods and stands, turning to the door – opens it and steps inside, closing it but not all the way* You've seen better days.
TC: …frag off.
Maru: *small grin, letting the comment go* You are Thundercracker? If you've indeed been in contact with your trine companion, you'll know that he's found help recovering you and your friend. My name is Shadowmaru. Pleased to meet you.
TC: *optics narrow* I'll be pleased when I'm out of this /hole/ I've been buried in.
Maru: *nods and will approach, gingerly helping the other robot to his feet* Lean on me as much as you need.
TC: *reluctant but…has no choice*
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