Deckard: By sharing yours with me. *to Stars* He found me while I was still being developed. *glances with a grin at some of the techs*
*A few stop and look up with a nod – those few have been with the project since those very early days…they remember the utter /shock/ when Deckard had spoken to them for the first time!*
Deckard: I had one of the most advanced AIs available to date, but it was still all just programming. I wasn't self-aware, I had no emotions, I didn't really /think/ for myself. Yuuta treated me like a person, talking to me, explaining things to me, just /being/ with me. Not like a robot, but like a human. Like a friend. I learned from him, and I grew. We're not sure exactly how or why. Just that it happened.
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