PJ: *wants to ask more about his world, but then he's called back into the Decker Room to help with the investigation*
*When the engineers realize how much they're /hurting/ Stars, they've visibly upset and asking if there's something they should be doing differently. Once they're made aware of the shunt paths, they start /looking/ for those and utilizing them whenever possible, glad when it seems to help. They're quick and efficient, even for working on alien technology – for as many things /different/ as there are, there is just as much that's /similar/ and familiar to them.*
TC: */shudders/ as the squishies that have been /invading/ him finally go away . . . clamped down in restraints as he is, he can't curl up like he wants to, he's in /so/ much pain…he's /wishing/ he'd been captured by Autobots instead . . . takes him a moment to pull himself together again enough to reply* //I'm here.// *Stars will /hear/ the PAIN and the exhaustion in his second's voice*
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