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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-26 09:03:00

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Duke: *studies him* Thank you, but if you're willing to legally free us and give us some supplies, we can find our own way back.

Kalan: *concerned little frown* Not so sure it's safe to send three young men off alone. As a father, I'd be quite cross with the man who let my son wander off alone instead of making sure he got safely home to me. *soft smile* I know you have little reason to trust, you've been hurt and treated like things. I'm truly sorry for that. I can't in good conscience just let you leave, not without a way to be sure you make it home safely. Will you concede to allowing someone to go with you?

Lunnaei: *comes to stand by her husband, a hand on his shoulder* We want to make sure you're safe. There are others in this area who would have no qualms about trying to snatch you up for market again. We want to be sure you're /home/, not back on an unfriendly wagon.

Duke: *gazes back at him - there is far too much experience, wisdom, and maturity in his eyes for his age* With all due respect, we cannot afford to trust you, either for our own sakes or especially for the rest of our family. I will not lead anyone to them or betray where they can be found. We were caught because we let our guard down. It won't happen again. We'll be fine.

Kalan: *studying them, gaze shifting from amin, to amin, to human. Brothers and like a brother....* Your family is of mixed races, yeah? Amin, human...j'har? ...Maybe even half-bloods? If you're worried about leading people to them for that reason, you don't need to fear us. But perhaps you shouldn't take my word for it. Perhaps you should meet some of the others that call this place home first...? *seeing their reactions to that first*

Duke: *isn't one to react outwardly, regardless – Kalan might see a glimmer in his eyes but that's about it – he nods*  That sounds like a good idea.

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2014-02-26 03:53 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *covers his reactions will, but Kalan will note a slight frown*
Mitham: *has...no idea. He'll look between the tao amin*
Kalan: *smiles and pushes to his feet* C'mon. *he'll lead the way to go meet with a few people.*
*As they pass through the large open area just inside the front doors they'll spot Darden. He's got his arms around a J'har woman, and her arms are around him. They're talking sofh and she'll even kiss him, her mouth to his like lovers. They're oblivious to the boys at first, but they'll feel watched and the woman looks over. She smiles, and releases Darden enough to wave.*

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2014-02-26 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Duke: ………….. *just…observing – will give her a nod of greeting*

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2014-02-26 04:26 pm UTC (link)
Kalan: *will continue on, coming to a door and knocking softly* Kylyn?
Kylyn: *there's a very soft "come in". When Kalan opens the door they'll see a young man, half-blood, one silver eye one ruby eye....covered in paint, the canvas before him has a beautiful painting in progress on it. He smiles shyly at the boys* Hello.

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2014-02-26 04:56 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *he's admittedly impressed that the master of the house and owner of all these slaves has the courtesy to knock and wait to be allowed in . . . okay, /that/ finally startles a bit of a reaction from him, eyes widening – okay…not only a half-blood and an /older/ one at that, not even just a half-blood with obvious power, but a half-blood who obviously wields /two/ powers . . . he recovers himself and offers a nod* Good morning.

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2014-02-26 05:25 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: *can't help staring. He's never seen a half-blood, and only pary realizes that's what Kylyn is.*
Kage: *eyes go wide and he's looking between Kalan and Kylyn. That....goes a long way with him...*
Kylyn: *smile widens a bit*
Kalan: Kylyn, this is Duke, Mitham, and, Kagerou. They were taken from their home by slavers. Letting them meet you was the best way I could think of to assure them that they don't have to fear what we may do to their family.
Kylyn: *smile widens* This is a really good place. Safe. You don't have to be afraid. I know Kal will want to see you home safely. *his tone is soft, but loud enough to be heard.*

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2014-02-26 06:00 pm UTC (link)
Duke: …………thank you. That means a lot to us. *also looking between the human and half-blood*

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2014-02-26 06:07 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *also watching*
Kalan: *relaxed, smiling* If you'd like to ask him some questions I can leave you for a bit. *an offer*
Kylyn: *relaxed, if shy.*

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2014-02-26 06:35 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *glances at Mitham and Kage to see if they have any* I can't really think of any . . . except maybe how you hide from others. Is there some kind of wordless communication for when outsiders are around? *has been told that /anyone/ found with a half-blood will be killed /with/ the half-blood – this entire household would be /slaughtered/ just for Kylyn's existence if the wrong people knew…that worries him for their sakes, but…they /have/ to know what the risk is and have been willing to take it*

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2014-02-26 06:39 pm UTC (link)
Kylyn: Ah... Yes actually. *gestures to the little frog perched on a table* Froggy and I are Inrie.
Froggy: Hello.
Mitham: Shit! *complete reaction, though the look on his face says he thinks it's rather cool..*
Kage: ?! Inriomai! *hadn't even seen the small animal.*
Kalan: *headtilt* You know of Inriomai? *was expecting to need to explain.*

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2014-02-26 06:44 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *surprised…but figures he shouldn't be – it helps explain a /lot/* Yes, sir, we are. Well, Kagerou and I. One of our brothers was recognized by an Inriomai cheetah a few months ago. Pleased to meet you, Froggy. …Inrie…that means you two have bonded…?

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2014-02-26 06:46 pm UTC (link)
Kylyn: *nodnod*
Froggy: That's right. Kylyn and I met and bonded long before coming here.

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2014-02-26 06:52 pm UTC (link)
Duke: I am glad that you have both found a safe and happy home. What this world does to far too many is unspeakable.

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2014-02-26 07:11 pm UTC (link)
Kalan: *softly, a heaviness in his tone* Sadly so. You're parents have taught you well, that you can look at a face and see a person for who they are and not what they are.

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2014-02-26 07:20 pm UTC (link)
Duke: ……….I have a little experience in what that's like myself. It is not something I would do to another. Nor would any of our family. *glances at Kage, suddenly wondering how much, if any, robot prejudice he was exposed to before things turned as they did for him*

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2014-02-26 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *no where near as much as his brother and this others, but there at then end he was practically beaten over the head with the fact that was was nothing but a tool.* May I speak privately with my brothers?
Kalan: *nods* Of course. The last room on the left is not in use. * gestures down the hall.*

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2014-02-26 07:41 pm UTC (link)
Duke: Thank you. *will head that way*

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2014-02-26 08:00 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *will follow with Mitham. Once in the room* ...I'm incluned to believe him. And I have a feeling if we tried to leave without their help they'd follow just to be sure we made it home. *looks at Mitham* Where is the little girl you mentioned before?
Mitham: In town. *if she's not be caught or killed, but he can't think about that.*

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2014-02-26 08:12 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *not that Kage couldn't make sure they /couldn't/ follow or track, like he did when they brought Jendayi home…but he'll leave that go for now since it doesn't seem like it will be an issue – nods, then to Mitham* The town near here or another one?

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2014-02-26 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: The one we were sold from this morning.
Kage: *could, but if they're following close.... He's not so sure*

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2014-02-26 08:28 pm UTC (link)
Duke: All right. Basic questions – what is her name? What does she look like? Where did you see her last?...

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2014-02-26 08:57 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: Her name is Shaila. She's an amin, I don't know what type, but her fur is black and white. I had a few hideouts she knows she can go to. I left her at one, but I...I don't know if she'll still be there.

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2014-02-26 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *nods* We'll get her found and taken care of first, then go from there. *glances at the two in case either has more to say – if not, he'll nod and head back out with them to look for Kalan*

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2014-02-26 09:05 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *nods*
Mitham: *relief* Okay.
Kalan: *down the hall chatting with Kylyn. They won't hear what Kylyn says but it gets a laugh from Kalan. He spots them and gives them a smile as they approach* Get everything worked out?

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BBS meeting 3-4p
2014-02-26 09:12 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *glad to see the ease and humor between them, even if he really doesn't show it - nods* Yes, sir. Before anything else, there's one more of us we need to find. An amin girl named Shaila. She's back in town somewhere. Mitham's the last one who saw her. *looks at Mitham to take it from there*

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2014-02-26 09:35 pm UTC (link)
Kalan: *nods* Of course. *he'll ask questions and with a nod he'll motion the boys with him.* Let's get your sister then get you home. *he'll lead the way.*

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2014-02-26 10:24 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *nods and moves to follow…flinching slightly when his belly GURGLES – he and Kage haven't eaten since middle of yesterday – but he just ignores it, this is important*

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2014-02-26 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *glances at Duke...amused littlw smirk on his face.*
Kalan: *smiles* We'll eat as we ride to town, sound all right with the three of you?

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2014-02-26 10:44 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *at having it acknowledged, he actually does look a little sheepish* I'm sorry. Yes, that sounds great, thank you.

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2014-02-26 10:59 pm UTC (link)
Kage: Thank you.
Mitham: *tummy growls too. BLUSH* Thanks.
Kalan: *will stop at the kitchen and ask for a meal to go. He'll find a few others to come along too, including a j'har woman.*
Jerrica: *smiles at the boys* Don't worry, you'll be home soon.

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Heading out in a few, but then meeting Big Al for dinner, no clue how long we'll be. =3
2014-02-26 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *will introduce himself and the other boys to those who are coming, and will /thank/ them for their help*

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