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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-21 08:20:00

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Terris: *will motion the boys to him and have DB help GM climb onto his back......before they can*

Lex: It might be easier if he rides on my back.  *and more dignifying maybe?* If you wish. *the last to Gunmax*

GM: *GAPES* ....the /hell/?

DB: */grins/* He's one of those magic animals Naijah was telling us about!

GM: .......right. *eyeing the cat, still half-wondering if he's hallucinating, people do that after they've been drugged, right?*

Lex: *mildly amused* I'd apologize, but the reactions are rather amusing.

GM: *makes a face* So long as I'm /entertaining/ someone... *shakes his head* You don't look all that comfortable. You look kind of bony.

Lex: *bit of a shrug...* If you're too uncomfortable, then you don't have to ride. I thought you might like to try.  It's an option.

GM:  …be carried like a baby or ride a cat-horse…  *hating /either/ option, frankly - pulls back from DB and tries to put weight on his other leg…if he can just…somehow manage to hobble home on his /own/ - GASPS and /clings/ to DB as he nearly /collapses/ from PAIN*

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2014-02-21 03:09 pm UTC (link)
Lex: You wouldn't have to. I wield air, I could hold you in place, and perhaps with more comfort than being carried.

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2014-02-21 03:17 pm UTC (link)
GM: ………………..you'd make a great used car salesman. *HUFFS* All right, great, fine, whatever. Let's just get the hell out of here. *pulls from DB again to start hobbling to the cat*

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2014-02-21 03:32 pm UTC (link)
Lex: *he won't go more than a step. Lex is /right/ there, with a soft warning Lex will left GM with air and get him settled. It's actually quite comfortable, sitting on a cushion of air...and Lex will ask GM if he wants something to hold on to, if he does he'll find something like handlebars of air to grip.*

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2014-02-21 03:42 pm UTC (link)
GM: *only has one good hand to hold with, tucking the other more or less into his lap between his legs…feeling badly unbalanced, the weight of the cast on his leg wanting to tug him off to the side, but he just /grits/ his teeth and settles himself as best he can*

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2014-02-21 03:45 pm UTC (link)
Lex: *no, he won't feel unbalanced at all. Once he's settled that cushion of air will cradle his broken leg and keep him balanced on the cheetah's back. The "handlebars" were (or are) a courtesy if GM wanted them. When they start to move GM will never once feel like he's going to fall off.*
Terris: *will lead the way home*

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2014-02-21 03:55 pm UTC (link)
GM: *GRIPPING the invisible nothingness with his good hand, at least until he finally relaxes into things…finally does, though, and…finally really takes in the fact that he's RIDING a fucking CHEETAH, how cool is that!? . . . after a bit, he eases his grip off the…whatever-it-really-is and slides his hand down through the pressures of manipulated air around him to /very/ gently touch and explore the fur and muscles of the cat's shoulder*

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2014-02-21 04:02 pm UTC (link)
Lex: *kind of smiles, glad GM seems to be relaxing.*
*they have a bit of a ways to go, but eventually they'll make it back to the den*

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2014-02-21 04:05 pm UTC (link)
*They're greeted by the rest of the team, everyone anxious and dismayed at GM's injuries, and greeting and /thanking/ Inami, and OH WOW A CHEETAH…A /TALKING/ CHEETAH!!!*

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2014-02-21 04:14 pm UTC (link)
((*random* I must use my "L" key a lot or something because I just happened to look at my keyboard and realized my "L" key is....blank. The letter identifying what key it is has rubbed off.))

*Inami and Lex are welcomed in, and...while talking during a meal it's learned that Inami mostly just...travels. She's not really got a home, though she's been looking for one. Shai will practically insist she say, she needs another woman around here with all these guys around here, and Jendayi only half counts until she's older.*

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2014-02-21 04:18 pm UTC (link)
*The boys certainly won't object, though they won't try to force her either.*

((LOL yeah, that's my N and M keys...I'm fine if I'm just typing along and not thinking about it and just letting my fingers use which keys they know are the right ones...but the moment I /think/ about it...I confuse them. XD;;; Here at work, N (and all other keys) is fine, though M is largely worn off, go figure,))

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2014-02-21 04:24 pm UTC (link)
Inami: *looks around at all of them* You're an interesting bunch. All right...sounds good. I'll stay.
Lex: *glances at GM....he's /definitely/ staying...*

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2014-02-21 04:37 pm UTC (link)
GM: *sees the glance – what, is he asking permission?...holds up his hands (cast and all)* Hey, don't let /me/ hold you here. Although… *crooked grin* …wouldn't hurt to have a housecat.
DB: But we already /have/ a housecat. *points at PJ*
PJ: What? Why you little- *tackles…and they start wrestling around*

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2014-02-21 04:42 pm UTC (link)
((LOL I needed that. Thank you DB. XD))

Lex: *amused as he watches the two roll away, wrestling*
Naijah: *noticed the glance too* He the one, Lex?
Lex: *glances at Naijah...then back at GM* Yes.
Naijah: Imagine that...and just when I'd been sayin' the other day yeh guys weren't likely teh find they one compatible with yeh.

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2014-02-21 04:54 pm UTC (link)
GM: ……………………one /what/?

((DB: *GRINS* I aim to please!
PJ: Your aim needs improving.))

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2014-02-21 05:11 pm UTC (link)
Naijah: Remember when Drill Boy asked Jendayi if she'd teach him teh wield Air? I told yeh a bit about Inriomai? Each Inriomai has one person they're compatible with, meant for yeh could say. It's that person they can bond with. You are that person for Lex. /If/ yeh bond with him yeh'd be able teh wield Air like Jendayi, and yeh'd have his senses to use when yeh wanted, instant communication across any distance. Downside is if one of yeh get hurt yeh both feel it, if one of yeh get killed yeh'll both likely die.

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2014-02-21 05:34 pm UTC (link)
GM: ………………… */grimaces/, holding up his cast again* Yeah, no. The whole "wielding Air" might be fun and all, but that sounds like a pretty crap deal in the end, especially with what /we/ do . . . did . . . whatever. Will do again. *somehow…*

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2014-02-21 05:40 pm UTC (link)
Naijah: I've known people with the bonds. Quite advantageous from what I've seen.
Lex: Don't worry about it Gunmax. If you don't want to bond then we never will. Promise.

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2014-02-21 06:21 pm UTC (link)
*The others agree, they're not sure it's such a good idea after all, especially with what they did and hope to do again…in /some/ capacity…especially considering the shorter lives of animals – none of them will think to bring that up, they're just nodding.*

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2014-02-21 06:32 pm UTC (link)
Shai: *they don't ask, but she'll bring it up* Yeh know, boys...it might be a good idea to take should yeh ever get the chance. You're all wanting teh be heroes, yeah? Save people from the masters that would abuse or kill them? *looking at Naijah and Lex to confirm what she's heard* Those bonded gain strength from their bond, a power most others don't have, the advantage of essentially being in two places at once...and they live for hundreds of years.
Naijah: Thousands. Had a woman in my caravan that knew things no one should have been able teh know. She was old, real old. I believe her when she said she was over two thousand years old. She didn't tell most that. But she never aged. She was part of the caravan before I was born, from when my Pa was a boy, and he said she never seemed teh age past her thirties. She said she was a child when he bonded, so she grew up and then just...stopped agin'. She was like a mother teh me. *misses her*

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2014-02-21 06:56 pm UTC (link)
Duke: …………..two thousand years. How did she not go obsolete? I mean . . . what did she /do/ for so long?
Deckard: And you're sure it was because she was, ah, "bonded"?
DB: Man, who would /want/ to live for that long? How would you not get /bored/ after a while?

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2014-02-21 07:06 pm UTC (link)
Naijah: *smiles* She did anything she wanted. She did all kinds of things, she saw the world, helped all kinds of people.
Lex: Most Inriomai live for about five thousand years. By bonding we extend the lives of those we're bound to.

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2014-02-21 07:14 pm UTC (link)
*The boys . . . don't really have anything to say to any of that. Once, they'd hoped to just be allowed a good ten to twenty years of operation before being scrapped for newer models. Then they came here and they're just hoping to survive long enough to live out a "normal" life. They…really can't fathom living almost as long as all of human history /existed/ back home! Nor…are they really sure they want to. None will really say much more on the subject.*

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2014-02-21 07:33 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *agrees that they need to wait, at the very least, until they're adults...*


*It's....a couple months later when GM gets the casts off, and another month of therapy. He's been giving thing that he can do but he's likely going crazy. Lex approaches him today*
Lex: Do you want to get out for a bit? Maybe go for a ride? *It's still kind of hard for GM to walk too much, his leg is weak still*

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2014-02-21 07:57 pm UTC (link)
GM: *has been going stircrazy for MONTHS and finally just sort of fell into a sullen depression…and FINALLY getting the casts off didn't help nearly as much as he'd hoped – he's poking at the project he's working on right now, looks up at the words* You mean…on you? Like a horse? Isn't that…I don't know…rude or something? *he's not /objecting/, it just…doesn't seem right somehow*

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2014-02-21 08:04 pm UTC (link)
Lex: *sits by him, then lies down so as not to be towering over him* Not if I'm offering. Besides, you really seem like you need to get out and...do something.

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(no subject) - [info]dragondancer515, 2014-02-21 08:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]socrowdedinhere, 2014-02-21 08:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dragondancer515, 2014-02-21 09:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]socrowdedinhere, 2014-02-21 09:19 pm UTC

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