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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-05 08:16:00

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Woman: *will reach out to touch him* Hmmm...You're not completely dead yet.

Kage: *doesn't really seem surprised by this* Will you let him see, Nanai?

Nanai: ........Yes. Sit, Deckard, and I will show you the fate of those you love.

Kage: *will shift to sit crosslegged beside Deckard. He wants to see too...and if he doesn't join, he has to leave.*

Deckard: *bit of a frown at how she knows his name...and at not being "completely dead", of course he's not, he can't /be/ "killed" because he's not alive, and as long as his memory units and Super AI are intact, he can always be rebuilt . . . will kneel down before her, sitting on his heels, glances and nods at Kage when the ninjabot settles beside him – there are...things he wants to say, apologies to make, but...they'll have to wait, returns his attention to Nanai*

Nanai: *will raise her hands and a stream of light will flow across the tent between her and the bots. She picks through it a bit and then moves one of these "strands" of light into the center before kind of stretching it out. The image is of his body and Yuuta crying over him. She'll show him what happens from there, Duke's arrival, what's done to his body, everyone's grief as they try to accept this new leader and find who was behind the Chieftains. She'll show the next few days before stopping.*

Deckard:  *it /grieves/ him to see that his body is captured, twisted, and forced to attack his team, his family, it grieves him to see their pain and their struggle at his loss . . . he's glad they all survive, though, including Shadowmaru and Gunmax, and the new robot . . . he seems like a good guy, if a little cold . . . he hopes the new guy will loosen up and come around a little, and that his team can learn to accept and follow their new leader just as they did him . . . he's silent, head bowing and optics offlining, as she stops the stream from showing what's transpired*

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2014-02-05 08:31 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *picks up a piece of sushi between his fingers – well . . . he has what amounts to teeth and a tongue, he…should be able to do this, right? He'll…pop it in his mouth and kind of work it around*

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2014-02-05 08:34 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *watching in interest and amusement*
*And...he really does have a sense of taste, it'll just be a matter of sorting out the flavors and whether or not he likes them.*

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2014-02-05 08:39 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *will try everything Kage "created", though it'll take him a while to sort things out beyond "different" and "new" . . . he is enjoying himself, though*

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2014-02-05 08:42 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *has settled to eat/drink too. He'll even make a glass of...well, it's become his favorite, chocolate milk, he doesn't care if it's supposed to be a "kids" drink, he likes it and will make sure Deckard gets to try it* Different, isn't it? I...really look forward to sharing this with Shadowmaru some day.

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2014-02-05 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *ooooh, yummy! - nods* I'll make sure to let him know you're here waiting for him. And . . . that you're all right.

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2014-02-05 09:49 pm UTC (link)
Kage: .................No, you won't. *sets his food down* To leave here we will have to travel far from here, and face a number of trials...tests. If you succeed and reach the breach, where you can return, you will have to leave here without your memories of this place. One of these days, when you return, we'll be apologizing to each other again for how things went on our first meeting. I will introduce you to food again, and then help you and the others settle comfortably in whatever region we decide we wish to be in.

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2014-02-05 09:58 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: */cringes/ inwardly at the thought of losing his memories, /any/ of them, but…he's heard that humans who return from death or near-death don't really have recollection of anything, so…he'll…have to accept that . . . but Kage too??* Wait . . . you're coming with me? And why will /you/ have to forget?

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2014-02-05 10:04 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *shakes his head* I can go to the breach with you, but I have no body to return to, I won't be going past that. I'll remember, but you won't. ...And I won't worry you later by telling you that you've had memories taken from you before.

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2014-02-05 10:11 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: I see. You're . . . you'll come with me for the journey, though? *it hits him then that he's…h-he's never been alone before, not since leaving the solitude and /safety/ of the warehouse he was built in, the thought of doing something this big and important – and apparently difficult – alone, it…scares him…*

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2014-02-05 10:14 pm UTC (link)
Kage: Of course I will. *small smirk* My little brother would be very disappointed if I let his team lead head off alone. *smile more genuine* Besides, I want to help.

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2014-02-05 10:19 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *that draws a grin from him and he nods* Yes, I'm sure he would be. And . . . thank you, Kagerou. That means a lot to me.

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2014-02-05 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *smile widens a little, something...emotional about the expression. Not sad, but not happy either* I.......I'd always wanted to be friends, to meet the team and be one of the group. *only to learn he was only a prototype and was never going to meet them, and worse, wouldn't be allowed to remember his brother.*

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2014-02-05 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: ………… *offers his hand again* I will be your friend, and when I return, I will be again. If it's as you say and we will all eventually wind up here, I know that the rest of the team will want to meet you and you /will/ be part of the group. As I've always felt you should have been. I'm sorry . . . I hope you can forgive Toudou-san and Saejima-sama. They felt they didn’t have a choice. I know they didn't /want/ to do it. You could see it in their eyes when they finally told us the truth. You're definitely in our hearts, especially Shadowmaru's.

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2014-02-05 10:33 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *accepts Deckard's hand without hesitation. He nods, trusting Deckard's judgement of the two humans* Thank you. I look forward to it. *he shift to start cleaning up the food set out on his simple table*

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