Turbo: *motions at the chair across from him.* Welcome, have a seat. And thank you for coming.
TC: *glances around, assessing threats (trying to find any) and cautiously settles, stiff and alert*
Turbo: Wing tells me you're a good mech...
TC: *looks away with a grimace* Wi-...Master sees more good in the world in general than is actually there.
Turbo: The mech is annoyingly optimistic and idealistic as often as not, but he's a good mech and has a knack for seeing the core of others. If he says you're a good mech, that's good enough for me.
TC: .....I was, once. *looks back up at Turbo* What do you really want from me? The only thing a slave is good for to cops is easy blame and someone to lord over who can't fight back.
Turbo: I want another good mech on my squad, who can hold his own, work with the team, think for himself, and get the job done without bias. Tell me about your military experience.
TC: *snorts* I don't have any. My life was stolen from me before I could finish my training at the academy. What about your squad's bias, /captain/? Or are you oblivious to the fact that walking into a police station is like walking into a scraplet's nest?
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