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[12 May 2014|08:18am]

Maru: *shakes his head, stowing the rod in an empty weapon compartment* No, I think this will be fine for now. I think I'd like to give him another...joor maybe, then I'll go after him. He needs to calm down first. *frowns* He really has been through a lot, just in the time I've known him. Far more than he deserves.

Wing: I can tell he has. I'm sorry either of you have been hurt.

Maru: *shrugs* I'll live. But thank you.

Wing: *nods and will motion for Maru and Pips to come with him. He'll lead them to a good sized room with a couple berths.* This will be your room until we can either get you home or you find somewhere else you'd rather stay.

Maru: Thank you, Wing-san. *to Pips* How are you feeling? Tired at all?

Wing: You're very welcome.

Pips: *shakes her head and /clings/ like she's afraid he'll leave her if she admits she's tired.*

Maru: *crouches to her level* Pips-chan, I won't leave without telling you. I won't abandon you, I promise.

Pips: *meets his gaze, trembling softly.* ............Why did you take me out of there too? Why give me the choice? *she just wants to know his reason, why risk his freedom by helping her?*

Maru: *small grin* Because no one deserves to live in such a hell. I can't help everyone, but I could help one. It's what I was built to do.

Pips: *studies him a moment, then steps up to HUG him.* Thank you.

Maru: *wraps his arms around her, hugging back*  My pleasure, little one.  I'm glad we could help.  And that we seem to have found you a good home.

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