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[02 May 2014|08:15am]

Dream: We have Wing to help look out for us. We may be small, but we can handle ourselves.

Wing: *almost as though summoned by the speaking of his name, he steps in.* Thundercracker? May I speak with you?

Dream: *will reach and give TC's arm a gentle squeeze before getting up to leave them to talk in private.*

TC: *starts to comment - Wing's bigger but no better, needs to watch himself too - but then Wi- his master steps in...stands, gaze down* Yes, sir, of course.

Wing: *bigger than the mini-seekers, but not a big mech. Guess he'll surprise TC should he ever need to fight. He will sit and motion for TC to sit beside him.* Thank you. *pulls a deep vent.* I read your file.

TC: *settles on a knee by Wing, stiff but unsurprised, gaze down, quietly* As I'd expect.

Wing: *he won't tell TC to get up, instead he'll slip easily to the floor to sit by the Seeker.* Will you tell me your side of things?

TC: *silent a long moment, long enough Wing might begin to think he's not going to, but then*  With all due respect, sir . . . no.

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