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[25 Apr 2014|08:39am]

Zero: *wakes, wrapped in TC's arms like he always is. He smiles a small, fond smile and just studies the Seeker's face. He doesn't dare move, knowing that'll just startle TC awake.*

TC: *after a bit, he grimaces, tensing, as his recharge heads into unpleasant territory again…*

Zero: *shifts his hand to very softly touch TC’s face* Thundercracker. *voice soft* Thundercracker, wake up.  You’re all right.

TC: */wakes/ with a /gasp/, flinching back from the touch as his optics /snap/ online . . . another instant and he's relaxing...mostly* .........sir.  I'm sorry, did I disturb you?

Zero: *softly* No, I'd just woken. *reaches to softly touch a wing. Just loving on TC like he always does.*

TC: *optics dim as he enjoys the sensation, shuddering softly*

Zero: *smiles and tucks close. He can't keep it up for long, low strength, but he'll do as long as he can.*

TC: *enjoys a moment longer, then softly* How are you feeling, sir?

Zero: *snuggles to him* .....Weak...and still rather sore.

TC: I'm sorry. You'll be back on your feet very soon, though. Can I get you anything?

Zero: *shakes his head, tucking in a bit. After a moment* ...I'm sorry...if I hurt you.

TC: ……..hurt me?  *how so?*

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