*When Stars seems willing to trust Maru a little, Maru will shift closer, joining the huddle so he and Stars can wstch each other - and TC - that little bit better. Come morning, TC is largely left alone while his companions are bound and gagged. They're dragged off to the market and...TC's somewhat rested, so he's not raging and disconsolate...but he's still severely depressed. He smudges out "drone" from Maru as best he can, but he can't get the bindings or the gags off...so it's up to him to sell them. And...he does try, he /does/ - making himself talk to people when all he wants is to curl up in the corner and shut everything out, answering questions, telling people not to take his word but ask the slaver for their files as proof of who he's claiming he and Stsrs are, even trying to sell Maru on his own points and not /just/ an extraneous item lumped with him and Stars (Stars will learn a lot about Maru that way as well as through the bond) - but...his spark's not really in it like it should be. There's no real passion there*
Wing: *he'd come back here with Evac to see if he could learn who owned TC and Maru. He got Maru's ping, but couldn't reach the bot in time. He figures the mech was captured and returned to his master. He's just passing through, and nearly doesn't notice them, but TC's voice /does/ catch his attention and he approaches. He recognizes Maru, and is pretty sure the stripped mech who's not muzzled is TC.*
TC: *spots Wing first, voice /hitching/ as he's talking to whoever he's talking to currently, and then he's…trying to talk to them /and/ not be noticed at the same time (he's not fully conscious of this, just…reacting) – Stars will feel a sudden wash of fear, anger, resentment, SHAME, and a host of other things he won't fully be able to identify*
Maru: ….?? *looks around to try to determine who/what got TC to react like that, spots Wing, optics /brighten/ and then he's /kicking/ at the bars of the cage, making noise for attention, making sure Wing /is/ coming HERE and not just walking this general direction, there /are/ a lot of distractions around after all*
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