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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-04 08:13:00

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Twin: We hung out with that gaggle of minibots. They're all really sweet. Gave the lot of us a wash and wax too, and they've got amazing singing voices. We asked a lot about this place, Flareburst, and them. They asked a little about us, especially your team. When it started getting late they showed us to rooms. We're all kind of spread out down this hall.

Deckard: I'll look forward to getting to hear them. What did they have to say about this place and about Flareburst?

Twin: They trust her entirely. They said she rescued them. Their number was double when they were first sparked, but if their maker got upset, he tended to...quite literally tear them apart. Lost half their brothers to their maker's temper before she discovered them and put a stop to it. They're her slaves, but are happy to be.

Deckard: *can't help a bit of a frown*  And she treats them well, despite them being enslaved to her?  *slavery equals abuse and neglect to him, if she's nice to them, why hasn't she freed them?*

Twin: From what they say, she's rather protective of them. *shrugs - nods at the towel* What've you got there? *thinks he knows, especially with the look Deckard glanced at the bundle before, but he can't see Yuuta so won't assume*

Deckard: *grins and sets the bundle on the table between the two berths, then pulls back a corner enough to uncover Yuuta's head…will take a moment to pinch up and gather a bit of towel to tuck under Yuuta's head as a pillow of sorts*

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