*Doesn't matter if he's dead, they're getting him the frag /out/ of here. TC will move to gently support him while someone else frees him. Warp will gather his legs and as much of his armor as he can carry.*
Stars: *will step in to get him down, making sure TC has hold of him before getting out of that hated room. That room where they were so often beaten, where their wings had been ripped off their backs. His wings /flick/ at the memory.*
*The memory, the reactions across the sparkbond, make the others shift as well, wings twitching. TC has gone his usual stoic and silent, blocking /everything/. Warp is SHAKING and jumpy.*
*They'll start making their way out when Gear suddenly comes awake in TC's arms.*
Gear: */jerks/ awake, struggling weakly.*
TC: *keeps a hold but as gently as he can, voice low* Gear! Gear, shh, shh, peace. *doesn't want to say too much and be overheard and his voice recognized*
Gear: *doesn't seem to register the voice, but his strength gives out and he goes limp again, one dull red optic studying the blurry figure of Warp behind TC.*
Gear: *will just keep staring at Warp, but at least he doesn't fight anymore.*
Guard: H-halt!
TC: //Starscream...// *he can't do much, his arms are full…and so are Warp's*
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