TC: *softly* Starscream, Skywarp . . . I'll be fine. Don't ruin yourselves. Take this. You both deserve it.
Warp: .....and you don't?
Stars: As do you! *glares at Zero* And as you are the one who owns him now, what do you intend to do with him?
Zero: Nothing. *looks at TC* Live like a free mech, Thundercracker. If you run into trouble, for now, I'll be called. Or if you plan to stay here perhaps someone here will take your file for now. It's up to you. I'm sorry I can't just give you to Starscream.
TC: And if you /do/ continue to..."hold my file", then what? *can't believe Zero would never call on him or "do" anything*
Zero: *shrugs* Nothing. I don't own slaves, so you'll live free, answering to me only if someone decides to cause you trouble.
TC: *gazing at him, optics unreadable* And if someone does cause trouble? *who will be punished for "bothering" Master…*
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