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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-03 08:26:00

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Yay subject line for something to click on ^,^

Deckard: *opens his hip compartment and holds his hand for the boy to crawl up onto* Yuuta.

Yuuta: *crawls out and gives Downs a bog smile* Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you.

Downs: *doesn't have the Japanese language, but he can guess that was a greeting. He smiles and leans close* Hello there. Wow, amazin'.

Deckard: He said, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." *will also translate for Yuuta*

Yuuta: *blushes* I'm not that amazing.

Downs: *curious look at Yuuta's blush, and a lopsided grin as Deckard's translation* Ya are t'me, mate. Never seen anythin' quite like ya before. Glad t'see that Leyline was able t'help ya.

Deckard: *translates, then to Downs* Yes, she's been invaluable. Thank you /so/ much. *small bow as he says that, then translates himself for Yuuta*

Downs: You've been invaluable t'her too. *he starts to reach for Yuuta, hesitates, then offers his hand*

Yuuta: *smiles and steps onto Downs' palm.*

Downs: *carefully brings Yuuta up closer to his face* Truly amazin', mate.

Deckard: *translates, then* He's the one who made me and my team possible.  Without him, we'd just be advanced drones.  My name is Deckard, by the way, team lead of the Brave Police.  *figures the mech /has/ to know who they are by now, or know /enough/ - translates for Yuuta*

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2014-02-03 10:31 pm UTC (link)
*Gyro and Nebulon will look out for them too. They'll make it back with no troubles. It's while heading back to Flare's that they're spotted. Kage warns that some of Oil's mechs are approaching, and there's no way to avoid them without running into a larger group SM has spotted. The group will be forced to come to a stop, but before any of the BP can act Nebulon steps forward*
Nebulon: I suggest you call your master and tell hik that if he wants these mechs he'll have to bring things up with Flareburst.
*The group shuffles a bit at her name*
Mech: She shouldn't get involved.
Nebulon: She already is. Now move aside.
*reluctantly, Oil's mech's move aside to let the group pass*

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2014-02-03 11:02 pm UTC (link)
*The group passes through, with Dmps, PJ, and Duke shifting to the back of the group to guard the rear just in case the mechs decide to cause trouble after all.*
GM: *once they're in the clear* Well, that was about a subtle as a freight train. So what exactly does this Flareburst have on Oilslick that he actually won't cross her?

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2014-02-03 11:11 pm UTC (link)
Nebulon: *grim little smile* She scares him.
Gyro: *rolls his optics* We don't know exactly, we just know they hate eachother and he doesn't dare cross her.

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2014-02-03 11:17 pm UTC (link)
PJ: Someone scarier than that sadistic control freak? Imagine that.
Dmps: Yeah. Remind me not to cross her, huh?
Deckard: A question for Boss to ask her over the next few weeks, maybe, while we're her guest. Let's just get there. We'll worry about the rest later.

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2014-02-03 11:56 pm UTC (link)
*They'll arrive safely, and Flare has set out a feast for Yuuta and a similar spread to what McC and DB had last night for all the mechs*
Flare: Welcome. Please join me.

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