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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-03 08:26:00

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Yay subject line for something to click on ^,^

Deckard: *opens his hip compartment and holds his hand for the boy to crawl up onto* Yuuta.

Yuuta: *crawls out and gives Downs a bog smile* Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you.

Downs: *doesn't have the Japanese language, but he can guess that was a greeting. He smiles and leans close* Hello there. Wow, amazin'.

Deckard: He said, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." *will also translate for Yuuta*

Yuuta: *blushes* I'm not that amazing.

Downs: *curious look at Yuuta's blush, and a lopsided grin as Deckard's translation* Ya are t'me, mate. Never seen anythin' quite like ya before. Glad t'see that Leyline was able t'help ya.

Deckard: *translates, then to Downs* Yes, she's been invaluable. Thank you /so/ much. *small bow as he says that, then translates himself for Yuuta*

Downs: You've been invaluable t'her too. *he starts to reach for Yuuta, hesitates, then offers his hand*

Yuuta: *smiles and steps onto Downs' palm.*

Downs: *carefully brings Yuuta up closer to his face* Truly amazin', mate.

Deckard: *translates, then* He's the one who made me and my team possible.  Without him, we'd just be advanced drones.  My name is Deckard, by the way, team lead of the Brave Police.  *figures the mech /has/ to know who they are by now, or know /enough/ - translates for Yuuta*

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2014-02-03 05:52 pm UTC (link)
US: *will catch them from moving too much, just giving them a little something to drink* There's nothing wrong with what you did, you just did too much. Be more mindful of your bodies the next time you're sampling high-grade.
*lucky for them? This remedy will clear their heads and ease their aches in about a breem or two.*

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2014-02-03 06:00 pm UTC (link)
DB: That's not high-grade, that's . . . that's /alcohol/! That's /bad/ stuff . . . an' we're not old enough anyway . . .
McC: If I'd known what that was, neither of us would have partaken. I didn't know robots could even /get/ drunk. It's unheard of back home. *not their fault they got so bad!*

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2014-02-03 06:09 pm UTC (link)
Flare: What organics drink to get drunk may be alcohol, but what you had was just a high quality energon. You merely had too much.

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2014-02-03 06:13 pm UTC (link)
McC: ……….. *carefully nods – still not happy about this…*
DB: I don't even really /like/ energon. I want to go back to gasoline.
McC: When we get home, Drill Boy. We will when we get home…

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2014-02-03 06:16 pm UTC (link)
Flare: *amused* You enjoyed it well enough last night. *waves a hand* Come, Shadowmaru will be coming to give me an answer to my proposal.

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2014-02-03 06:43 pm UTC (link)
McC: *it's not been long enough yet for the stuff to have kicked in, but he'll drag himself and DB up to follow her*

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2014-02-03 06:46 pm UTC (link)
Flare: *will lead them to a garage and have them load onto a transport. When they arrive wherever she took them she asks them to remain on the transport for now, she'll be back for them shortly.* She'll be waiting when SM arrives.*

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2014-02-03 07:01 pm UTC (link)
SM: *will do the civil thing this time and ring the bell at the front door*

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2014-02-03 07:09 pm UTC (link)
Nickel: *yes, he and his brothers came too. Mistress is expecting guests for them to look after. He answers the door* Master Shadowmaru? *making sure* Mistress is expecting you. Come with me please. *will shift to lead SM inside*

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2014-02-03 07:12 pm UTC (link)
SM: *smiles and shakes his head* I am not your master. *nods and will follow*

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2014-02-03 07:27 pm UTC (link)
Nickel: *gives him a small bow* Yes, sir. *he'll take SM to where Flare is waiting.
Flare: Shadowmaru. I do so hope you bring me good news.

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2014-02-03 07:51 pm UTC (link)
SM: *very small bow* Good for both of us, if I'm not mistaken on the deal. Little-Boss would like to come visit you, so long as it means all of us being able to stay as well. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that we're in need of a new place to lay low for a while, and as you've promised he won't be able to find anyone while a guest in your home…

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2014-02-03 07:58 pm UTC (link)
Flare: "Find" you? Sweetspark, he's not stupid, he'll know you're here, but he will not be able to touch any of you. He knows better than to mess with me. *smiles* I am glad the terms were accepted. As a gesture of good faith your teammates McCrane and Drill Boy can return to tue rest of your company with you. I will also be sending Nebulon and Gyro with you to help make sure your entire company returns here safely.
*when she says their names two mechs step forward. The first with a large mech kind of stoic seeming, the second smaller and has a friendly grin for SM*

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