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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-16 08:28:00

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*While the ninjas were off flying, Zero had started on the body of another Brave. The BP are sitting in the large garden with Alem and the pups, the falcon cuddled in someone's arms. The pups play around the BP's feet.*

Alem: It's going to be strange to have all of you suddenly towering over me. *seems amused by the thought.*

*Unless Zero decided arbitrarily who he was working on next, the Braves (except for Deckard) insisted Deckard should be next. DB still has the falcon, and Duke is loving on Crackers.*

McC: *mild frown* That isn't going to be an issue, I hope. *they don't want to alienate their friend*

Alem: *chuckles* I don't see why it would be. *smiles around at them*

McC: Thank you, Alem. That means a lot to us.

*Nodding all around.*

Alem: You are my friends, my family, no matter what size you are.

Crackers: Myehh! *almost like she's agreeing.*

Deckard: *grinning*  And you are ours as well. *chuckles at Crackers*  Yes, you too, Crackers.

DB: I wonder how Shadowmaru and Kagerou are doing.

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2014-04-16 02:07 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: Ah! Thank you both. *jumps to his feet, Dmps and McC with him, to help pass things out to everyone*
DB: You guys went flying in the holo-room, didn't you? How was it?

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2014-04-16 02:13 pm UTC (link)
Kage: Ah. *nods* It was amazing. We'll have to bring you in there once you're rebuilt. You'll really love it, I think. *will settle to drink this strnage fuel, at least he's starting to get used it. He's watching Maru to see his first reaction.*
Alem: *will settle to eat.*

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2014-04-16 02:55 pm UTC (link)
DB: Ahhhhh! I can't wait!
PJ: The hell is /that/? *looking at the clear cubes of…/glowing/…fluid both ninjas are holding*
Maru: ………energon. The stuff that Cybertronians run on, and that we're about to. *staring uncertainly at the stuff himself . . . oh, well, bottom's up – he drinks the stuff . . . and SHUDDERS, his systems taking it in readily enough (they're built to) but /him/ reacting to the jolts of energy skittering across his systems, making him feel jittery . . . he's /grimacing/*
GM: */laughing/* I've seen humans react to hard liquor with less face-making!

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2014-04-16 03:05 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *manages not to snerk, but has an /amused/ grin on his face.* That bad? *a tease, he takes a sip, without reacting.*

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2014-04-16 04:10 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *gives his brother a rueful glance, figuring he /would/ be more used to it, having been rebuilt several days ago now – gives GM a smirk* I'll be sure to be around the first time /you/ drink this stuff.
McC: What's it like, Shadowmaru?
Maru: *looks down at the cube, swishing around what's left, which is a little less than half* It's . . . it's like swallowing a moderate electrical current.
PJ: Huh . . . yeah, looking forward to trying the stuff. *…not…*

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2014-04-16 04:42 pm UTC (link)
Kage: It's not so bar as you get used to it.

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2014-04-16 04:57 pm UTC (link)
PJ: *mild grimace* Sure. I'll take your word for it.
Deckard: We'll all have to get used to it. Small price to pay to be given bodies of our original sizes, hm?
*General nodding*
Maru: *finishes the rest of his cube, small frown still on his face – he /really/ doesn't like the jittery feeling…*

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2014-04-16 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *a soft hand on his brother's knee* The jittery feeling starts to fade by the second time you fuel. You'll get used to it.

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2014-04-16 05:18 pm UTC (link)
Maru: …hmn. *nods – to the rest of the team* Is Subzero-san working on another body?
Duke: Yes. Deckard's.
Dmps: *soft snicker, to Deckard* So that's gonna be you next.
Deckard: *small grin, just nods with a shrug*

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2014-04-16 05:25 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *studies Deckard a moment, then looks away.*
Alem: So...how did you two fly so long in just one room?

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2014-04-16 06:07 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *notices, starts to ask, but then Alem speaks up*
Maru: The holo-room has wind and anti-gravity generators that let you feel like you're moving when you're actually being kept relatively stationary within the room. The holographic illusions make it /look/ like you're covering ground when you're not. It's actually really impressive, and the number of realistic environments that have been saved in the databanks is staggering.
McC: *nods with a small grin* I hope you'll show us how those work.
Maru: Of course.

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2014-04-16 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *nods, and glances an amused and mildly teasing grin at DB* Starscream says he has to teach Drill Boy how real flying is done. We'll all have to go watch when they go.

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2014-04-16 06:24 pm UTC (link)
DB: What!? What's he mean, "real flying"? I fly just /fine/. Bet I'll fly /circles/ around him!

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2014-04-16 06:56 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *not about to say the Stars flew circles around both him and Maru.* You'll have to prove it when you've been rebuilt again.

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2014-04-16 07:08 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *grinning* So long as we get to watch.
DB: Of course! Just watch . . . this'll be good.
*Dmps and then PJ say something and . . . McC's left holding the falcon chick while his subteammates wind up wrestling around, esp PJ and DB*

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2014-04-16 07:24 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *snuckers and will snatch up the fox pups so they don't jump into the middle of things and accidentally get hurt.*
Creckers: *"meh's" at them like a fussy mother, but stays back*
Alem: *has a fond grin on his face*
Zero: Deckard. We're ready for you, and Stars wants to know who's up next?

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2014-04-16 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *nods and stands to follow* Duke is.
*The team's figured take care of the team heads, then the others go in build/serial order – McC, Dmps, PJ, DB, then GM*

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2014-04-16 07:41 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *grins* You two with me then. *waves for them to come with him*

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2014-04-16 07:54 pm UTC (link)
*Duke stands, and the two will follow him out.*

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2014-04-16 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *is doing the last little bit on Deckard's new body. He glances up.* You ready for this?

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2014-04-16 08:24 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *nods* Thank you for all your hard work for us. *glances to include Zero*
Duke: *looking around in interest*

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2014-04-16 08:28 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *smirks* You'll owe me.
Zero: *rolls his optics at Stars and addresses Deckard* You're welcome. *will offer them both a hand so he can move them to the table.*

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2014-04-16 08:34 pm UTC (link)
*The two will readily sit in his hands to be moved.*

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