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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-01-31 08:08:00

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Playing here again

Ley: Yuuta. Can you tell me how you're feeling?

Yuuta: *mumbles something*

Deckard: *glances at Ley, did she catch that* Yuuta...again, please?

Ley: *leans in as Yuuta mumbles again.* He can in a moment. Let me help you first. *she'll do a few things while she tells Deckard what he said* He asked if you would hold him.

Deckard: *grins* Of course. As soon as Leyline says I can.

*The others have gathered close, the ones not on watch*

Yuuta: *compliant, if slow, as he does as directed, or just lets her do*

Ley: All right. Be careful with him.

Deckard: *softly* Always. *gently picks him up, keeping him wrapped in his blanket, and cuddles him to his chest*

Yuuta: *still whimpers at the movement, but then turns into Deckard, snuggling* M'chest hurts.

Deckard: You had fluid in your lungs that needed to be drawn out. You'll be okay.

Yuuta: Everything hurts. *huffs a soft sob, but crying is too much energy, so he just goes still.*

Ley: ...That he's awake is a very good sign.

Deckard:  *nods at Ley* I'm sorry.  I wish I could help.  Just try to relax.

*The rest of the team have gathered in front of Deckard or over his shoulders.  They'll reach to softly touch his leg, brush his hair, just…let him know they're there*

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2014-01-31 02:29 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: Guys... *so glad he's not alone...*
Leyline: If you can get him to try, it would be good if he could eat something.

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2014-01-31 02:46 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *nods, to Yuuta* Will you try?
Duke: I'll warm some soup, Boss.

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2014-01-31 02:51 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *makes a face, but gives a nod, forcing his eyes open a bit when Duke offers to get him soup*
Ley: Nothing too substancial for now. Broth with a little bit of grain, protein, and vegetables.

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2014-01-31 02:59 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *nods and will go make that, will ask Storm for help – his hands are smaller, so he might be able to easier handle some things than Duke can*

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2014-01-31 03:18 pm UTC (link)
Storm: *right there!! He wants to help any way ue can!*
Yuuta: *just....just gazing up at Deckard* Y'look worried... *voice soft and a bit slurred*

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2014-01-31 03:26 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *small grin* It's been a long few days. Oh, you'll be happy to know that Subzero's rejoined us. He's over there. *carefully turns so Yuuta can see, his teammates shifting out of the way*

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2014-01-31 03:33 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *very small, very tired smile* I'm glad.
Zero: *smiles* Now to just get you better, kiddo.

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2014-01-31 03:38 pm UTC (link)
DB: Boss is strong. He'll get better, just watch.
Dmps: That's right.

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2014-01-31 04:12 pm UTC (link)
Zero: No doubt.
Yuuta: Guys...*small smile grows just a bit. When Duke and Storm bring food...he doesn't look like he wants it, but will let Deckard hold him so Ley can feed him...*
Ley: *gentle and mildly insistant. If he can get food to stay down his chances of staying alive increase.*

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2014-01-31 04:21 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *also gently insistent – Yuuta's not had anything, that he was able to keep down, for three days now, that's too long*
*The rest of the team will guard or otherwise occupy themselves.*

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2014-01-31 04:36 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *will manage to get most of the soup down before he just refuses any more* *He'll settle to sleep in Deckard's hands....and doesn't throw up again. When he wakes next Ley will insist he eat a little more, and this too will stay down. It'll be two more days before there's an obvious difference. Yuuta wakes that afternoon...and sits up on his own for the first time since getting the high fever.*

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2014-01-31 04:45 pm UTC (link)
*Deckard never leaves Yuuta's side except when his team /makes/ him to care for himself. He's factored out of guard duty, but Duke or McC will make him go recharge at regular intervals. Yuuta is never put down (unless he asks to be) – if Deckard's not holding him, one of the others is. He'll sit up to find himself in DB's arms.*
DB: */grins/ down at him* Good afternoon, Boss.

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2014-01-31 04:59 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *looks up...and smile, more strength and light in his eyes than they've seen in days* Drill Boy.

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2014-01-31 05:02 pm UTC (link)
DB: *grin /widens/, SO GLAD to see that!* You look like you're feeling better, Boss.

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2014-01-31 05:04 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *nods* I feel really drained, but more awake than I have for a while. Hiw is everyone else?

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2014-01-31 05:11 pm UTC (link)
DB: Everyone's good. Just been waiting for you to get better.
PJ: *hears Yuuta's voice, comes over* Boss! About time. You've been sleeping for, like, a /week/.

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2014-01-31 05:32 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *rubs a hand over his hair, grimacing at how dirty it feels* Has it really been that long?

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2014-01-31 06:09 pm UTC (link)
SM: *comes over as well* Six days since we fled Subzero's home. How are you doing, Little Boss? Think you could take some soup?

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2014-01-31 06:40 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *looks a little shocked by that* Wow...un, yeah that sounds good, thank you.

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2014-01-31 07:30 pm UTC (link)
SM: *little bow, a small grin on his face, and will turn to go get that*

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2014-01-31 07:48 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *weak and moving slow, but it'll be all he can do to keep from inhaling the soup!! He's hungry!*
Ley: *smiles* You should let that settle before you have more. Give it a quarter joor and if you feel up to eating more you can have more.
Yuuta: ?? *blinkblink... feels he should know this adult-human sized, female robot, but he can't quite place her. ........he keeps thinking of Lua, but she's the wrong colors for that.*

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2014-01-31 07:52 pm UTC (link)
DB: *being mindful to help him support himself, holding the bowl for him too*
SM: *sees the look* Little-Boss, this is Leyline. She's been helping us care for you.

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2014-01-31 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *gives her a bow from where he's sitting* Thank you, Leyline.
Ley: *smiles* You're welcome. I'm glad you're doing better. You mve had your family very worried about you.
Gear: *wry little grin and a touch of fondness in his gruff tone* They've been a bunch of nannybots, hovering over you all week.
Yuuta: *ducks sheepishly, looking around at everyone with a little grin* Thank you, everyone. I'm sorry to have worried you.

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2014-01-31 08:42 pm UTC (link)
GM: *smirks* No, /Deckard's/ been the nannybot. Speaking of whom, I'll go rouse him. *heads into the other room*

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2014-01-31 09:26 pm UTC (link)
Gear: He's only been the worst of you lot. *his little, lopsided grin has grown, though*
Yuuta: *waits anxiously for Deckard, and gives him a big, if /exhausted/ smile* Deckard.

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2014-01-31 10:17 pm UTC (link)
DB: *shrugs* He's our boss! *that explains everything*
Deckard: *quickly follows GM back into the room, looking a little rundown himself – he's not been resting well at ALL since all this started . . . a HUGE grin breaks over his face* Yuuta! How are you feeling?

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2014-01-31 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: Tired, a little achey, but much better. *will reach a hand out to Deckard*

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2014-01-31 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: That's /great/ to hear, Yuuta. *presses a knuckle into Yuuta's hand – he'd take Yuuta, but the boy's obviously eating, so he'll leave him in DB's hands for now…unless Yuuta says otherwise*

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2014-01-31 11:11 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *his grin widens* I dreamed about you guys. *blushes and will eat a bit more*

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2014-01-31 11:20 pm UTC (link)
DB: Yeah? Good stuff, I bet!
SM: Is there anything else? *grinning*
GM: You're going to share at least, right?
Deckard: *just grins*

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2014-01-31 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *sheeps* W-well, I was lost. But then I realized I wasn't alone. You guys were there all round me. I felt safe again.

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2014-01-31 11:31 pm UTC (link)
GM: *nods* Sounds about right.
DB: Of course! We'd never leave you.
Deckard: As much as possible, we'll /always/ be here for you, Yuuta.

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2014-01-31 11:39 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *smiles around at them* I know. Thank you, guys. *looks up at Deckard and reaches for him again*

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2014-01-31 11:41 pm UTC (link)
DB: Awww… *joking, he'll hand Yuuta over*
Deckard: *easily accepts him, setting him carefully on his shoulder* Take it easy, all right. You've been through a lot.

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2014-01-31 11:59 pm UTC (link)
Yuuta: *soft hufflaugh. He's just wanted a finger to touch again, but won't complain. He kind of clings to Deckard, feeling a bit unsteady up here right now. He gives DB a big smile*

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2014-02-01 12:08 am UTC (link)
Yuuta: *smiles around at them* I know. Thank you, guys. *looks up at Deckard and reaches for him again*
Deckard: *grins and presses a fingertip against his outstretched hand* You should finish your soup.

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2014-02-01 12:11 am UTC (link)
Yuuta: Mm! *nods and will do so. He...wants more but Ley said he needed to wait and make sure this settled, and he doesn't want to throw up again so... He just settles back against DB, glancing a smile up at him*

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2014-02-01 12:13 am UTC (link)
DB: */grins/ and kind of snuggles him* I'm so glad you're doing better. We really were worried for a while.

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2014-02-01 12:15 am UTC (link)
Yuuta: *happy to be snuggled* Yeah, I....guess I was too. *considering his dream* I'm glad all of you were here to look out for me.

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