Kage: I'd be honored to meet him.
Karaf: He'd be welcome too. *shrugs* If he's interested. There is a large area of the ship that will sustain organic life.
Deckard: I have no idea if he'd be interested, but he might. He's been living out here as a hermit for several years now.
Karaf: *nods* Then let us go see your friends and see what they think of this idea.
Zero: *will stand and move to lead the way out.*
Karaf: *will motion for Kage to go first*
Kage: *with Deckard and Maru tucked protectively to his chest, will follow Zero.*
Stars: *when they step out, he'll shift to walk by Zero. He seems /so/ much more relaxed and no longer agitated.* Going for a walk?
Zero: Going to meet those who may be joining us.
Stars: *nods, and will stay with them.*
Deckard: *actually kind of surprised the robot is still there*
Maru: *is too…and not too polite to ask – small, wry grin* Our forest preferable to you over the Arctic after all?
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