Kage: *looking off into the darkness...gaze slides back to Zero.*
Zero: We'll not risk anyone. If they are willing to destroy you, and Kagerou, their own creations, I can mt say I want to learn what they'd do to me, or Karaf. I understand he'd be seen as something sacred here, but what of elsewhere? This world has as many stories of killing dragons as worshiping them, perhaps more. As I said, you have no one outside of those who already know your secret to tell our secret to, just as the three of us have no one else to tell your secret to. ....will you let me fix your leg, and then you can lead your team here? Or as many as you're comfortable bringing.
Kage: *wings droop a little, some of the tension leaving him.* I won't betray anyone who's helped you Deckard. Even if it /were/ safe for you, it is not safe for me.
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