Deckard: *quietly* You're right. We failed you last time. We were completely unprepared and unequipped to deal with the Vorians. We won't promise we'll be able to defeat them this time either, but our boss is right. We're told that you have weapons and knowledge now that we didn't have. I don't know how big this fantasy has grown, the "if only the Brave Police were here", and I can't promise that we'll be able to live up to it . . . but what I can promise is this - our mission hasn't changed. The Brave Police were designed and tasked with the protection of mankind, both from threats within, from criminal elements, and from threats from beyond. To that end, we rededicate ourselves, up to and including our very lives, to all of you and to the freeing of our world from its invaders.
*The rest of the team is silent and at attention...but it's CLEAR on their faces that they all feel the same.*
Man5: *he's a big guy, tall, broad, he starts for the stage, not moving fast. People shuffle out of his way to let him approach. He looks bigger and stronger than some of the professional wrestlers the BP have seen (either from the one case of missing athletes or from those PJ and Dmps used to watch on TV) and yet there seems to be a deliberate gentleness to his movements. He reaches the stage, looks over the BP, then offers his hand to Deckard* We're glad to have you with us. We know you'll do your best for all of us, just like you always used to.
Deckard: *small, grateful smile and kneels to carefully accept that hand, pinched gently between his thumb and the knuckle of his finger* We're honored to be allowed to serve again, sir.
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