Mitham: ....If you think you can carry him back to my place we can keep digging for another. I took you back in my truck. *in other words, he can carry one mech if Deckard thinks he can carry another and they can head back with at least two tonight, if they can find a second.* Or if you want to take him back to the barn I'll keep searching until you get back.
Deckard: *knows he shouldn't leave the boy here alone, it's too dangerous...he /makes/ himself shift over to one side and carefully lay GM out, then gets back to task*
Mitham: *nods and will get back to searching* *They'll find J-Roader, Drill Boy, and McCrane throughout the night* It's going to be light soon. We should get these guys out of here before we get caught.
Deckard: *nods, puts a hand on J-Roader...which starts up, he nods to himself again, satisfied that at least the AI and /some/ of its other systems are still functioning, despite sitting for so very long* Take Drill Boy in the truck. I'll carry Gunmax, and J-Roader can take McCrane.
Mitham: *will need help getting DB to the truck, or he can "borrow" some equipment again. Once everyone is set, they'll head back. He's tired, but he wants to at /least/ get them cleaned up first. He'll turn on the hose and start spraying off GM.*
Deckard: *gently settle DB in the bed of the truck himself, then get McC situated, and finally scoop up GM, following Mitham with J-R rolling along behind him – he can /tell/ Mitham's exhausted, can only guess how many hours the boy has been awake now* Mitham . . . go get some sleep. I'll get them washed down, then you can start repairs when you're fresh and rested again.
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