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[22 May 2014|08:32am]

Wing: Shall we go see how your trine leader is doing?

TC: *straightens at that* Yes, please.

Warp: An' Firefly? *worry*

Wing: I believe she's already in the same room.

*Warp nods and the two will follow*

Stars: *not awake, but not swarmed by medics either*

Firefly: *sitting by the berth*

*The two Seekers move in to either side of the berth, Warp on Firefly's side*

Warp: *hand on Firefly's shoulder*  S'not right seein' him so still.  *to the femme*  You okay?

TC: *settles silently in the chair on his side, watching his trine leader*

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[21 May 2014|08:27am]

Maru: *steps forward enough to stand over Sky protectively*

*The mechs leave, glancing back at him a few times before disappearing around the corner.*

Sky: *stirs....and reaches up to grip Rifter's foot.* ...please...

Maru: *crouches* You'll be all right now, little one. * will shift Rifter in his arms so he can pick up Sky too, then ninjas back out of there*

Sky: *soft huff, but doesn't resist.* What do you wish of us, Master?

Maru:  Now, now, let's not be jumping to conclusions. *tone loses its edge of amusement into something more concerned as he realizes that he…probably can't take them to a hospital*  How bad are your injuries?  Please be truthful with me.  There is no wrong answer.

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[20 May 2014|08:49am]

*Stars will know that Warp is overall okay...just no less claustrophobic than he is. Once out - and he /scrambles/ out! - he starts to recover, straightening to face his trinemates, SO GLAD to see them. TC is hanging back, but also /glad/ to see their third*

Bar: *looks over the other two.* I see you brought them this time.

Wing: *nods* And your answer?

Bar: ...I have a proposal.

Wing: And that would be?

Bar: A bet. If I win, then you give those two to me.  If you win, I will give these two to you.

TC: ………… *frowns – damn, should have known*

Warp:  What?  But Master, Screamer's-! *catches himself, not sure if he should say…and anyway, wasn't given permission to speak – curls back, hugging himself*

Maru: *watching from a hidden vantage point via his spy systems, scowls at that – Starscream is a free mech now, he's not property to be used as a bargaining chip anymore, how will that change – or nullify – the deal . . . it's not legal, but nothing about this is RIGHT so, if he has to and can…he'll do what he can to tip the bet in Wing's favor, assuming the bet is made at all*

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[19 May 2014|08:13am]

Turbo: *motions at the chair across from him.* Welcome, have a seat. And thank you for coming.

TC: *glances around, assessing threats (trying to find any) and cautiously settles, stiff and alert*

Turbo: Wing tells me you're a good mech...

TC: *looks away with a grimace* Wi-...Master sees more good in the world in general than is actually there.

Turbo: The mech is annoyingly optimistic and idealistic as often as not, but he's a good mech and has a knack for seeing the core of others. If he says you're a good mech, that's good enough for me.

TC: .....I was, once. *looks back up at Turbo* What do you really want from me? The only thing a slave is good for to cops is easy blame and someone to lord over who can't fight back.

Turbo: I want another good mech on my squad, who can hold his own, work with the team, think for himself, and get the job done without bias. Tell me about your military experience.

TC: *snorts*  I don't have any.  My life was stolen from me before I could finish my training at the academy.  What about your squad's bias, /captain/?  Or are you oblivious to the fact that walking into a police station is like walking into a scraplet's nest?

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[16 May 2014|08:19am]

Warp: *scrambles to his feet, hunched as he follows* S-sorry, Master! Really! I-I didn't know what ta do!

Master: *doesn't respond. He leads Warp to a part of the house he's never been in before, but has heard whispers about. Nothing /bad/ per se, but things that will still make him nervous. And when Master steps into what looks like a torture chamber...*

Warp: *YELPS!, throwing himself back* M-master! N-no, p-please! Please, I'll be good, promise! I-I s-swear!

Master: Skywarp, come here. *tone firm. He /expects/ obedience.*

Warp: *after all night in a little closet, after Stars' panic, after the HOURS AND HOURS of TC's raging depression…he has no copes left – with a /sob/, he shuffles into the room and drops to his knees, curling over at Master's feet*  P-please…please d-don't hurt me…

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[15 May 2014|08:06am]

Stars: Let's find him...and show him how real flying is done.

TC: ............ *he /wants/ to enjoy flying again, he really does, been too long since he's been /able/ to...been too fragging long since he's been able to enjoy /anything/....finally just nods* Sure.

Stars: *once in the air, he'll come up beside TC and tap his wingtip to his second's*

TC: *hesitates a second, but then taps back - just once, lightly, an acknowledgment*

Stars: *will shift closer, wing over TC's as they fly. It's the most affectionate display TC's ever gotten from him.*

TC: *realizes that…finally really responds in kind, half tucking under Stars and occasionally tapping*

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[14 May 2014|08:21am]

Stars: *is right beside him. After /joors/ of hard flying...* //If you're planning to run yourself to death you best think again.// *HE WON'T FEEL YOU DIE DAMMIT!*

TC: //Don't make threats you don't intend to see through. I did my part.// *there's...not a lot of heat - not a lot of /anything/ - in his tone, he's calmer though, just exhausted and numb and...over everything*

Stars: //I'm not going to stand by and feel you die, Thundercracker. Get used to it.// *tone devoid of any snapping or upset. Just...a hint of fear, TC will feel it before Stars has it shoved away again. He really won't stand by and let TC die if he has to beat his second to slag and drag him back to Wing to fix up again, that's not entirely a conscious thought, it kind of slips through with that trickle of fear, that touch of desperation to not experience that again if he can help it.*

TC:  //YOU get used to it.  You're strong, you'd get over it.// *he /does/ snap that, the hurt fury – and /horror/, Stars will sense that too – flaring again . . . if Stars doesn't retort right away, he'll continue after a beat, voice flat again*  //You're not asking me to /live/, Starscream.  You're demanding of me to continue /existing/ for your own comfort.  I can never be free.   Even if I run away, how will I make a living?  No one would hire me, and stealing to survive would only get me back where I started.  Even if I find a kind master, it's only a matter of time until something happens and I'm back on the market yet again.  I'm /tired/, Starscream.  This /is/ my life.   If nothing changes, I could live another thousand vorns, but it'll all be the same.  And I just can't take it anymore.  I . . . I /won't/ take it anymore.//

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[13 May 2014|08:37am]

*When Stars seems willing to trust Maru a little, Maru will shift closer, joining the huddle so he and Stars can wstch each other - and TC - that little bit better. Come morning, TC is largely left alone while his companions are bound and gagged. They're dragged off to the market and...TC's somewhat rested, so he's not raging and disconsolate...but he's still severely depressed. He smudges out "drone" from Maru as best he can, but he can't get the bindings or the gags off...so it's up to him to sell them. And...he does try, he /does/ - making himself talk to people when all he wants is to curl up in the corner and shut everything out, answering questions, telling people not to take his word but ask the slaver for their files as proof of who he's claiming he and Stsrs are, even trying to sell Maru on his own points and not /just/ an extraneous item lumped with him and Stars (Stars will learn a lot about Maru that way as well as through the bond) - but...his spark's not really in it like it should be. There's no real passion there*

Wing: *he'd come back here with Evac to see if he could learn who owned TC and Maru. He got Maru's ping, but couldn't reach the bot in time. He figures the mech was captured and returned to his master. He's just passing through, and nearly doesn't notice them, but TC's voice /does/ catch his attention and he approaches. He recognizes Maru, and is pretty sure the stripped mech who's not muzzled is TC.*

TC: *spots Wing first, voice /hitching/ as he's talking to whoever he's talking to currently, and then he's…trying to talk to them /and/ not be noticed at the same time (he's not fully conscious of this, just…reacting) – Stars will feel a sudden wash of fear, anger, resentment, SHAME, and a host of other things he won't fully be able to identify*

Maru: ….?? *looks around to try to determine who/what got TC to react like that, spots Wing, optics /brighten/ and then he's /kicking/ at the bars of the cage, making noise for attention, making sure Wing /is/ coming HERE and not just walking this general direction, there /are/ a lot of distractions around after all*

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[12 May 2014|08:18am]

Maru: *shakes his head, stowing the rod in an empty weapon compartment* No, I think this will be fine for now. I think I'd like to give him another...joor maybe, then I'll go after him. He needs to calm down first. *frowns* He really has been through a lot, just in the time I've known him. Far more than he deserves.

Wing: I can tell he has. I'm sorry either of you have been hurt.

Maru: *shrugs* I'll live. But thank you.

Wing: *nods and will motion for Maru and Pips to come with him. He'll lead them to a good sized room with a couple berths.* This will be your room until we can either get you home or you find somewhere else you'd rather stay.

Maru: Thank you, Wing-san. *to Pips* How are you feeling? Tired at all?

Wing: You're very welcome.

Pips: *shakes her head and /clings/ like she's afraid he'll leave her if she admits she's tired.*

Maru: *crouches to her level* Pips-chan, I won't leave without telling you. I won't abandon you, I promise.

Pips: *meets his gaze, trembling softly.* ............Why did you take me out of there too? Why give me the choice? *she just wants to know his reason, why risk his freedom by helping her?*

Maru: *small grin* Because no one deserves to live in such a hell. I can't help everyone, but I could help one. It's what I was built to do.

Pips: *studies him a moment, then steps up to HUG him.* Thank you.

Maru: *wraps his arms around her, hugging back*  My pleasure, little one.  I'm glad we could help.  And that we seem to have found you a good home.

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[09 May 2014|08:59am]

*TC and Maru exchange looks*

TC: I'll go. Stay with Pips.

*Maru nods and TC shifts to follow*

Wing: *will lead the way. It's not a big place, and when they said Evac was moving they weren't kidding, the evidence is all over the place. Wing will pull out three empty cubes and move to a dispenser.* Would you prefer to fill them?

TC: *hesitates, then moves to do so, half to make sure nothing's slipped into them, half because...he "should" be the one doing the work and serving*

Wing: *will give him space* You know, friend, if I meant to harm you or turn you in o wouldn't have let any of you wake without restraints, or I'd have called those mechs over when I first found you. I truly mean you no harm.

TC: .............. *won't look at Wing, softly* I've heard of fraggers seeming to help runaways only to turn on them after the fact. It's funnier or something after you've let your guard down and actually thought someone would help you. *tone of voice is that he doesn't believe Wing would...but he also can't afford to just assume he won't* I've tried to escape...probably /hundreds/ of times over the vorns. If I've learned one thing in all this time, it's that once you're a slave, you cease to be a person, and no free mech would risk joining you in your pit, even if they /do/ want to help.

Wing: *softly* I'm sorry you've been so hurt. *he'll step back up by TC to take two of the cubes so he can fill the last. He keeps them held where TC can see them.*

TC: *grimaces* You'd probably be surprised what mechs will do to you just because they can, because it's not illegal since you're just a /thing/ now to do with as they please. The unrelenting atrocities /break/ most people. *lets Wing take the cubes with a nod of silent thanks*

Wing: I can imagine, but you're right, it probably would surprise me. *once TC has the last cube filled Wing will lead him back to where Maru and Pips are.*

Evac: *has finished working on Pips already, she wasn't /too/ badly hurt. He's had her go through the motions, making sure she can move just fine, and is now fussing over Maru again, having him move about and transform to make sure nothing catches and that all is repaired.*

Maru: *knows that he wasn't too badly off, all things considered…his main problem has just been that any damage he /did/ take didn't repair itself like Cybertronian bodies somehow have the ability to do – he can't transform with the collar, and it jams or offlines a lot of his specialized circuitry, but otherwise he's feeling /great/*

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[08 May 2014|08:50am]

*They'll make it a ways, but they'll quickly find people after them...master probably went to rape TC and found him gone...they'll soon have mechs on their tails...shots are fired...and one will take Maru through the back. TC will manage to catch hi, and with both bots in his arms he'll eventually lose the guards, but only because it started raining and he trespassed onto someone's property to hide in a shed. Maru is conscious, though in bad shape, and the rain is pouring. They're not going anywhere for a while*

Pips: I-is he going to die? *concerned*

*They can't stay here, it'd taken no time or effort to find out whose property this is and call for permission to enter to retrieve the fugitives. TC curses, ignoring Pips, and will start what first aid repairs he can. Maru's biggest advantage? No spark chamber. Even if he /does/ shut down, he just needs repairs and he can be rebooted.*

*TC will finish what he can on Maru's repairs, the rain just starting to let up...when he'll hear light footsteps approaching*

Mech: *before TC can try to get any of them out the door opens. The mech isn't a big one, about Maru's size really. He pauses to study the three hiding in his shed...then turns away, calling to another* Not in here. You sure they came onto /my/ property? We've looked all over out here.  Perhaps they jumped a fence to throw you off? *is he seriously covering for them?*

*With a low snarl, TC's on his feet b-but /just/ catches himself from his charge at the mech, dropping into a protective crouch in front of his companions instead*

Guard: *it's a voice they'll know belongs to one of their master's guards* We saw them come here...you have a good point, though, what's a little rain damage if they could hide somewhere that wasn't obvious?

Mech: That's my thought.

Guard: Thank you for your time, sir, I'm sorry we bothered you. If you see any of these slaves please call us.

Mech: Of course. *there's a long stretch of quiet, likely waiting for the guards to leave, before they'll hear the mech shift. He pulls the door open to study the three again.*

*In those precious moments, TC has silently scoured the shed for something to use as a weapon, Maru working his way to his feet, prepared to fight (as best he can)*

Pips: *hiding behind the two*

Mech: *voice soft* I'm not going to hurt you. *gaze shifts to Maru* You need help, *then back to TC* as do you. Will you let me help you?

TC: We're grateful, but you've helped enough.  Let us go.

Maru:  *can feel the slow leak of his fluids, is inclined to trust…but also knows that may /not/ be the best thing…will follow TC's lead*

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[07 May 2014|08:18am]

TC: Skywarp's right. He and Starscream have been legally freed. I...I can't be, so Wing has taken me on to keep me from being returned to Oilslick or put on the market.

Blade: *that explains it. He never imagined TC would willingly have another master, but this one just let him, /joined him/, in breaking into Oil's home to steal three more slaves...* I'm glad things have turned out well for you. I hope they stay that way.

Wing: We certainly intend to do all we can to assure it.

Stars: *has been busy helping Zero with Gear as best he can, but finally speaks up, bristling* They will. We'll make /sure/ of it.

Jumps: Focus. *needs Stars and Zero to keep helping or get out of the way.*

Mini: *gives Warp's hand a soft squeeze, glad he's free now.*

Stars: *throws Jumps a brief glare* I /am/ focused. *would just walk away, let the medic deal with the fragged-up mess of a mech...but it's Gear, and he /owes/ this mech, for himself and his trine*

*TC will offer to leave and get everyone fuel if Zero will tell him the way to the kitchen from here. Warp just settles with the mini, a hand on his shoulder*

Wing: I'll show you. *will walk with TC*

Mini: *glances a small smile at Warp and will try to rest, lightly clinging to the Seeker's hand.*

*Warp hesitates, then…will gently gather the little mech into his lap, folding his arms around him. Maybe that'll help him recharge better, if he feels safe.  /Hopefully/, he'll feel safe and not "caught".  TC softly thanks Wing and will follow while Stars continues helping with Gear.*

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[06 May 2014|08:54am]

*Doesn't matter if he's dead, they're getting him the frag /out/ of here. TC will move to gently support him while someone else frees him. Warp will gather his legs and as much of his armor as he can carry.*

Stars: *will step in to get him down, making sure TC has hold of him before getting out of that hated room. That room where they were so often beaten, where their wings had been ripped off their backs. His wings /flick/ at the memory.*

*The memory, the reactions across the sparkbond, make the others shift as well, wings twitching. TC has gone his usual stoic and silent, blocking /everything/. Warp is SHAKING and jumpy.*

*They'll start making their way out when Gear suddenly comes awake in TC's arms.*

Gear: */jerks/ awake, struggling weakly.*

TC: *keeps a hold but as gently as he can, voice low* Gear! Gear, shh, shh, peace. *doesn't want to say too much and be overheard and his voice recognized*

Gear: *doesn't seem to register the voice, but his strength gives out and he goes limp again, one dull red optic studying the blurry figure of Warp behind TC.*

Gear: *will just keep staring at Warp, but at least he doesn't fight anymore.*

Guard: H-halt!

TC:  //Starscream...//  *he can't do much, his arms are full…and so are Warp's*

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[05 May 2014|08:36am]

Wing: *nods* Defense and the arenas...can't say I approve of the later reason, but it's an honest one, and as that seems to be your choice way of income, it's an acceptable one. I'll teach you.

Warp: Well, hey, at least the arenas are /honest/ fighting, with rules an' stuff. Not like that gang tried ta pull.

TC: *to Stars and Warp* //I imagine if you two decide to go back to the arenas, you'll have to learn to fight as a pair instead of a trio.// *just...letting them know*

Wing: *nods* It is. It's not too unlike the tournaments different training establishments use to test their students. *except not everyone follows the rules and some fights are to the death.*

Stars: *wings /flick/* And what about my Second, Wing? Will he be allowed to join us? He'd be earning his keep for you...

TC: *wants to speak up, not sure he should...just keeps his gaze down*

Warp: Yeah...we need him. We're a trine. And he's /good/. He'll earn ya a /lot/ of money.

Wing: ......*studying TC.* ...I don't need the money, but I'm not going to break up trine either. If he wants to join you, that is his choice.

Stars: *mollified. He nods* Good.

TC: *glancing at Song, to Wing*  If you don't personally need it, let it benefit the household.  I'm sure Song and her trine could use it too.  It could also be a thank-you for all the work in saving us.

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[02 May 2014|08:15am]

Dream: We have Wing to help look out for us. We may be small, but we can handle ourselves.

Wing: *almost as though summoned by the speaking of his name, he steps in.* Thundercracker? May I speak with you?

Dream: *will reach and give TC's arm a gentle squeeze before getting up to leave them to talk in private.*

TC: *starts to comment - Wing's bigger but no better, needs to watch himself too - but then Wi- his master steps in...stands, gaze down* Yes, sir, of course.

Wing: *bigger than the mini-seekers, but not a big mech. Guess he'll surprise TC should he ever need to fight. He will sit and motion for TC to sit beside him.* Thank you. *pulls a deep vent.* I read your file.

TC: *settles on a knee by Wing, stiff but unsurprised, gaze down, quietly* As I'd expect.

Wing: *he won't tell TC to get up, instead he'll slip easily to the floor to sit by the Seeker.* Will you tell me your side of things?

TC: *silent a long moment, long enough Wing might begin to think he's not going to, but then*  With all due respect, sir . . . no.

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[01 May 2014|08:27am]

TC: *softly* Starscream, Skywarp . . . I'll be fine. Don't ruin yourselves. Take this. You both deserve it.

Warp: .....and you don't?

Stars: As do you! *glares at Zero* And as you are the one who owns him now, what do you intend to do with him?

Zero: Nothing. *looks at TC* Live like a free mech, Thundercracker. If you run into trouble, for now, I'll be called. Or if you plan to stay here perhaps someone here will take your file for now. It's up to you. I'm sorry I can't just give you to Starscream.

TC: And if you /do/ continue to..."hold my file", then what? *can't believe Zero would never call on him or "do" anything*

Zero: *shrugs* Nothing. I don't own slaves, so you'll live free, answering to me only if someone decides to cause you trouble.

TC:  *gazing at him, optics unreadable*  And if someone does cause trouble?  *who will be punished for "bothering" Master…*

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[30 Apr 2014|08:12am]

Wing: *smiles and nods and will lead them away. It'll be a bit of a walk, but they'll reach the edge if the field and Wing will motion invitingly.*

Stars: *scans the open sky, studies Wing a moment, and then the sky again, looking for any possible trap, and then he'll leap up and take off, his wingmates having warning only because they're in his spark.*

*Sparks soaring, TC and Warp /shoot/ off after him without hesitation, Warp with a shrill WHOOP of joy*

Stars: *revels in the feeling of being in the air, of being whole and without pain as he soars high above everything. His spark is so full that he would be weeping with joy were he capable of it, as it is he's laughing. He'll just /fly/ for a bit, but then he'll slow a bit and fall in with his wingmates, tapping wingtips to each before leading them in a joyous display of...well, play, dancing, whatever one wants to call it.*

*TC would also be crying if he could.  He's silent but for the roar of his turbines, /reveling/ in the freedom of flight, the freedom from pain, the freedom from restraint and threat and looming punishment.  Warp, on the other hand, is whooping, laughing and shouting, turning loops and barrel rolls and just going /crazy/ for the first several minutes.  The three fly each on his own until Stars pulls back a bit, the other two falling into line on reflex . . . and then they're reveling in flying with /each other/, playing and dancing around one another in sheer joy.*

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[29 Apr 2014|08:18am]

*The last mini-Seeker will step in with Stars a bit later*

Mech: They’re in here.

Stars: *steps in, looking for a moment like he’ll pull everyone away from his third, then relents and moves in to stand by TC* //How’re things going?//

TC: .....Skywarp. My name is Thundercracker, and our trine leader is Starscream. *these people might recognize the names of a champion trine of gladiators - when Stars comes in* //Too soon to tell, but they seem to know what they're doing.// *shrugs* //They apparently repaired me themselves, and I was pretty bad off.//

Song: *once Stars is there* I’m Shadowsong.  This is Dreamcatcher, my second, and Stromfront, our third.  And this is Wing, a good friend of ours.

Wing: You’ll have to be careful.  The three of you would be very recognizable. *he hadn’t needed their names to know them, but wasn’t going to...frighten them by calling any of them by name before they introduced themselves.*

TC: *scowls, arms crossed* Why do you think I was trying to get /out/ of here?

Wing: I knew why you were trying to leave.  It doesn’t change that you are welcome, and would be safe here.

TC:  So long as we stay hidden and caged up here in the house?  What's the benefit to you?

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[28 Apr 2014|10:14am]

*TC will have no problem finding his way out. The house is a decent sized house, not huge, not small, decorated in a nice way, nothing fancy. The yard has a small crystal garden and a low fence for a bit of privacy from any passersby, but they're not really close to any other buildings. There is yet another small Seeker, another femme, this time a light blue, tending to the garden. She looks up and gives him a smile, nod, and soft "hello" of greeting then bends back to her work. TC can take off easily to go find his wingmates.*

TC: [the first little Seeker femme was right, he needs fuel . . . if he /knows/ he can get it here, he'd be stupid to leave, but he also doesn't trust it not to be spiked with something, these people have /got/ to have some kind of agenda they're hiding . . . he'll find a hiding spot on or just outside of the property and tuck himself away to start pinging his wingmates]

Stars: //Where have you been?!// *angry with worry* //I've been trying to reach you all night!// *agitated and worried....TC will pick up that Warp was shot, he's not in good shape...*

TC: //Just regained consciousness about a breem ago.  Where are you?  ...how's Warp?//

Stars: //..........he’s dying.// *over the bond TC can feel his fierce determination that Warp will /not/ die!  He’s going to be /fine/, fraggit! ...But he’s not stupid, he knows Warp needs help if he’s going to be okay...* //We're in an alley in the middle of the city somewhere.  Where are you?// *just outside of a house outside of town...*

TC: *low curse, hesitates*  //Can he be moved?//

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[25 Apr 2014|08:39am]

Zero: *wakes, wrapped in TC's arms like he always is. He smiles a small, fond smile and just studies the Seeker's face. He doesn't dare move, knowing that'll just startle TC awake.*

TC: *after a bit, he grimaces, tensing, as his recharge heads into unpleasant territory again…*

Zero: *shifts his hand to very softly touch TC’s face* Thundercracker. *voice soft* Thundercracker, wake up.  You’re all right.

TC: */wakes/ with a /gasp/, flinching back from the touch as his optics /snap/ online . . . another instant and he's relaxing...mostly* .........sir.  I'm sorry, did I disturb you?

Zero: *softly* No, I'd just woken. *reaches to softly touch a wing. Just loving on TC like he always does.*

TC: *optics dim as he enjoys the sensation, shuddering softly*

Zero: *smiles and tucks close. He can't keep it up for long, low strength, but he'll do as long as he can.*

TC: *enjoys a moment longer, then softly* How are you feeling, sir?

Zero: *snuggles to him* .....Weak...and still rather sore.

TC: I'm sorry. You'll be back on your feet very soon, though. Can I get you anything?

Zero: *shakes his head, tucking in a bit. After a moment* ...I'm sorry...if I hurt you.

TC: ……..hurt me?  *how so?*

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