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User:doublehelix (33336)
It's not technically stripping...
... if you weren't wearing clothes in the first place.
Name:Hua Tenten.

Personality: When she isn't desperately trying to please her father, Tenten is normally a very independent girl. With a mind nearly as strong as her will, she doesn't compromise, and she doesn't let anyone walk over her. She is extremely intelligent, and takes pride in this, because intelligence and cunning is everything in their society, which proves to the world that her father was lying when he told her she was worthless.

Okay, so she does have a bit of a daddy complex. Tenten loves her father and wishes that he felt the same about her, and it sometimes takes her a while to remember that she has more balls than he does and ignore his unjustified verbal abuse. Despite her financial situation, she has mentally improved since being away from him. Without constant insults she doesn't have to worry about her personal demons attacking her when she isn't looking. The comfort gained from not needing to be on guard all the time allows her the confidence necessary to survive her suddenly tumultuous and questionable life.

She loves research and learning, and values knowledge above most things. Tenten has no patience for lazy or weak-minded individuals, and often jumps to harsh conclusions regarding those who she views as whiny or pathetic. She doesn't really try to be vicious, but scorn comes naturally when she thinks someone deserves it.

Tenten’s general philosophy on people is that she loves everyone until they cause problems for her or her friends. She’ll give anyone a first chance, but once you break her trust or upset her, she can hold a fierce grudge, and an even fiercer blade—but that’s only when she’s very angry. Most try to generally avoid that. Years of dancing have made Tenten a force to be reckoned with in a fight, and she always has a switchblade on her, just in case she needs it. She finds the presence of knives soothing, and doesn't feel safe unless she is carrying one.

She tends to get along with anyone, of any personality. Tenten is versatile when it comes to people, and her pleasant disposition makes being around her enjoyable. She is affectionate and friendly, and while sometimes she can get too aggressive in her dealings with others, she always does it with care, whether she's holding a crying friend, or delivering a well-deserved punch to the face. Though she tends to get very 'mother tiger' when those she loves are threatened, Tenten is not the most nurturing individual alive. She doesn't tend to coddle, and is sooner to grab someone by the shoulders and shake them furiously than scold them quietly.

In terms of humor, she's all sarcasm and dry wit, with a few terribly unfunny jokes spritzed into the mix. She laughs loudly and giggles often, always making sure never to put on a front that is at all too serious. She can be quite the mature adult when necessary, but she is rambunctious and gleeful when time allows.

Practicality is a dominant trait of Tenten's. She thinks in straight lines, rather than circles, and she is not so good-natured that she allows impulse and recklessness to overtake her actions. That she always takes time to think things through is a trait Tenten prides herself in, and she does very little to compromise this.

She does what is necessary when it's necessary. Though she is very prideful, she isn't too much so that she cannot ask for help when she needs it, or sacrifice her ridiculous concepts of propriety in lieu of surviving.

Though she is hardly the type of woman to have sex--or indulge in anything sexual--for money, Tenten is not particularly sentimental about sex. One could even call her casual, with the amused way which she approaches intimacy. She loves kissing her friends, and being able to fool around with people she doesn't necessarily view in a romantic light is something she views as a strengthening of bonds. She is inclined to flirt with anyone, male of female, that she finds attractive, and does it in the name of good humour and cordiality. It isn't often that she pursues romantic relationships in full seriousness, as she is far too playful to be tied down by someone overprotective, and she is wary of that particular connection taking hold in her life. But Tenten has had a few boyfriends, and a few girlfriends, and she's loved them all the same, but they've never crossed the 'fun' line and gone into the 'serious business' category. She much prefers it to stay that way, especially given her new line of work.

When it comes to being body-shy, Tenten is the opposite of that, as far away as one can be. She doesn't care who sees her or when, though she did get nervous when first starting her work as a dancer. In public situations Tenten is about as open as a door with the lock broken, though not necessarily unguarded. No, she has her defenses, and behind the broken door are a few machine guns ready to take anyone down who'd dare try to hurt her in any way. The only person she's ever tolerated abuse from is her father, and she doesn't intend to change that any time soon.

Tenten is warm, dedicated, and likes to think of herself as easy to approach. She loves exercise and food, and while she normally abstains from unhealthy substances, she isn't unknown to drink, or have a cigarette or two every once in a while. Drugs aren't particularly her cup of tea, since they always give her monster headaches and she doesn't like feeling disoriented, but she could honestly care less about anyone else who indulges in them of their own will. Different strokes for different folks, after all.

There is a soft spot in her heart for Chinese mythology and history, and she particularly loves stories about dragons, fighters, and strong female historical figures. She has a tattoo on her back of two Chinese dragons stretching from her shoulders downward, one that she got in honour of her affinity for the mythical creatures.

A good way to get on her bad side would be to display any sort of sexism or prejudice, or to be unnecessarily foul or rude. [At least, in a non-endearing way.] She hates pretension, and obnoxia even more, though she sometimes tends to succumb to both when she isn't minding herself well enough. She doesn't like being dirty, and if forced to remain such for too long, will default into a nervous obsessive stage where she is insistent on getting herself clean, and will do anything to accomplish this, even if there is blood involved.

Beyond a doubt, she is a nicer person than most, and it is not hard to keep her happy. Even when she is provoked, her anger is often very superficial and shallow, and doesn't often last more than an hour or two, depending on the seriousness of the offense. She is open and cheery and forever the optimist, something that can be found rather irritating at times, but Tenten just smiles in those situations.

How better to deal with a bad day than to laugh in its face, and tell it to go fuck itself?
Schools:None listed
People16:devilswalknstik, doublehelix, feelgoodmods, gigabugbyte, greatwhitesmile, inhumanresource, kiss_and_sell, last_to_know, legwarmersplz, lost_but_found, makemefeelgood, notyourfantasy, phase3, smileyface, tosharesunshine, vitiated
Communities2:feelgoodinc, feelthis
Mutual Friends:4: doublehelix, inhumanresource, notyourfantasy, tosharesunshine
Also Friend of:3: arghnostopthat, chinpo, speedy_recovery
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2009-12-05 13:32:41
Date updated:2010-01-12 00:23:53, 791 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:5
Comments:Posted: 161 - Received: 72

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