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oo1 | Liquid Eyeliner

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I can't see behind my dramatic bangs.
Thusfar, I seem to have survived with my purity in tact.  [Ha.  Ha.]  I haven't had to give any lapdances!  Though I have never shown so much of my ass to so many people in one room before.  Kind of... unnerving.

I managed to get out of wearing stilettos by proving that I could still dance in huge dom boots, so we're covered there, but there's just one more problem, and that is the greatest evil of all. 


The past few nights I've been going on without make-up, but they're complaining that I looked washed out and they can't... see my eyes.  And something about my complexion, I don't know.  I've never used make-up a day in my life, so I don't even know where to start.  So they gave me this 'starter kit' and made me pay thirty fucking bucks for it, which is ridiculous, but it's better than going out and trying to pick things out for myself.

Does anyone know how to put on liquid eyeliner?  I look like a raccoon.

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